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January 18, 2025

Treveyon Henderson

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Mercedes-Benz Stadium

Ohio State Buckeyes

Press Conference

TREVEYON HENDERSON: Really just the Lord. I can't do what I do without God. He's given me the gifts and abilities to play this game. So I try to use my gifts and abilities He's given me to honor and glorify Him.

He's helped me to put in the work, to stay focused. So I give all credit to Him.

Q. (No microphone)?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: One of my old teammates, his name is Andrew Moore, he actually sent me a video of Jesus loves you (signing). He sent me a video of that a couple of days before the Tennessee game. So I spent time trying to learn it. I was hoping to get in the end zone and get to do that and plant a seed in someone's heart.

God made a way, He allowed me the opportunity to do so, so I'm thankful.

Q. (No microphone)?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: I think Notre Dame is a great team. You know they have a great defense. It's not going to be easy to move the ball on them. So I think the biggest thing, we have to continue to prepare as best as we can. When game time comes, we got to go out there and execute.

I know it's not going to be easy. It's going to be a battle. So, yeah, we're excited.

Q. (No microphone)?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: I think like Jerry, he mentioned it every now and then as we're getting closer. Hopefully both of us can accomplish that and get over 1,000 yards in this next game. Yeah, it will be good.

Like I said, we know that it isn't going to be easy. So we've got to just go out there as a team, we've got to execute.

Q. (No microphone)?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: Yes, I am a good student at Ohio State. Not straight As, but I think last semester I finished with an A and a B, I believe.

Q. Can I ask you about the days after the Michigan game (no microphone). What was that like?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: After the loss after Michigan, we came together as a team. We talked about it as a team. We went over the game, what happened. We had some honest conversations, man. The biggest thing is when we came together as a team. It was just us players in there, and we finished with a prayer. Everyone locked arms and prayed together.

That right there was a very special moment. Me and my teammate G, we were just talking about that. Man, whatever happens, wherever we go in the future, that moment right there will always be something to look over, man, when we locked arms after that win and went and prayed together.

Q. Was that in the locker room?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: It was in the team room. It was a day when we come together and meet.

Q. (No microphone)?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: It was just honest conversation, man. Honest conversations, encouragement, a lot of encouragement, and uplifting.

Q. Was Coach Day in there?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: He was in there at first, and then we had left and just talked together, just us players as a team.

Q. (No microphone)?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: I think the biggest thing, we try not to focus on what the outsiders say because at the end of the day, it doesn't matter what people say about you. I truly believe the only thing that matters is what God says about you.

That's the biggest thing as a team is just, man, just like the brothers in Christ, we try to focus on what the Lord says about us. So that's all that matters.

Q. The team is playing their best ball right now. What's it been like playing (no microphone)?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: It's been great. It's been so great to be playing with this group of guys, the seniors, man, last year. It's been some special moments for real. This group, this senior group, we've been through a lot together, a lot of ups and downs.

It's by God's grace that we're here right now. We're just so thankful, man, to be here. God has given us this opportunity. I know me personally, I'm so undeserving to be in this position, and God allowed me to be here. It's by His grace that I'm here.

As a team, man, we're just so thankful, man, especially the seniors. We're so thankful to be where we're at right now.

Q. (No microphone)?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: Just our faith in Jesus, staying focused on him and taking the time just to continue to spend time with him and grow with him. He's strengthening our face. He's transforming us. He's bringing us closer together.

So I say like our faith in Jesus Christ, that's what truly helped me, and that's what helped this team. I believe God is the reason why we're so close as a team this year.

Q. (No microphone)?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: Pregame? I get in to work. I pray. Before the game, I listen to some worship music to set my heart and set my mind on him. That's what helps me out a lot, listening to worship music and setting my mind and my heart on Him.

Q. (No microphone)?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: I know they're excited. They've been a huge support. So we're excited they're here.

Q. Talk to me about the penalty against Texas, really uncharacteristic for you. What was going through your mind on that big play?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: I think the biggest thing God revealed to me is no matter where I am, I have to deny myself and carry my cross. He calls us to deny our flesh and carry our cross and follow him.

At that moment, I didn't do that. I gave into my flesh, what my flesh wants. I look at that moment right there on the field, and that was weak of me to do that. Without Jesus, I truly am weak. I need His strength. I need His power to honor Him, to live by Him, and to do right by Him.

In those moments, God calls us to be aware of the devil. The devil, he's tricky, man. He can be anywhere, any time trying to tempt you, trying to deceive you. I've got to stay focused on Jesus. I've got to continue to carry my cross no matter where I am, no matter where I go. And I've got to continue to look to him and lean on him and not myself.

Q. (No microphone)?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: I think both of them. Derrick Henry and Saquon, they're both doing their thing right now. So I'd say both of them are great running backs.

Q. (No microphone)?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: Both of them are really good as well. I don't want to pick or choose because I know how people get when it comes to that stuff. I think all of them are great running backs.

Q. (No microphone)?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: Both of them are about the same, but Jamere be sliding, but both of them are fast guys.

Q. As a sophomore, what does it say about Luke's ability to encourage and rally you all in that moment?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: I love Luke, and I appreciate what he did. What Luke was doing in that moment, he was reminding me what we talked about in bible study that day. We talked about denying ourselves and carrying our cross and being the light.

In that moment, I fell short, so what my brother was doing in that moment, he was confronting me with my sin with grace and humility. I truly believe God was using him to help pick me back up. I'm so thankful for what Luke did.

That's the biggest thing, being surrounded by brothers in Christ who can uplift us, who can encourage us, and who can point us towards Jesus to keep pressing on when we fall short.

In those moments, the world tries to tear us down, but my heavenly father, our heavenly father, I hope, he picks us back up to keep on going.

Q. (No microphone)?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: Honestly, I've just been praying on that as well. So many things, like you said, so many distractions. So I've just been praying to God, just help me to stay focused on him. Help me to stay focused on his will. And just asking him to lead me and to not get distracted.

Prayer is really powerful, and I know it helps me. God, he always answers. Yeah, anything, man, I just try to lean on the Lord for any and everything.

Q. (No microphone). What advice would you have for the younger players?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: My biggest thing is, when people see me, I hope they see Jesus. I hope they see his grace, his mercy. I hope they see his power to save and transform lives.

Shoot, like I say all the time, don't look up to me, man. Look up to Jesus. I'm not a perfect man. I'm a sinner who's saved by His grace. Jesus, he's the perfect one. He's the one that loves every single one of us.

So that's what I would say to people who try to look up to me. I honestly say, man, look up to Jesus, man. He's worthy of all of our lives. I am not a perfect man. I fall short. I need Jesus just like everyone else.

Q. (No microphone)?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: I honestly believe the Lord wants us to be generous. He wants us to be compassionate, just like he is compassionate. He's given me a new heart, a soft heart, and a heart that's compassionate for others, those who are in need.

When I just look at my hometown, I feel like God shares his heart with me, how he feels about my hometown. He wants them to know that He loves them. God has opened up doors to use me to be able to shine His light onto them and let them know that truly He sees them, He loves them, and He wants to save them and make them His, make them his own through faith in Jesus Christ.

So when I get that opportunity, I definitely try to shine God's light onto them, on whoever.

Q. How much has Caleb been hyping up Atlanta? What's he been telling you guys to check out? I know you're here to win a game and not check out everything, but what he's been telling you guys about what Atlanta's like?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: We got here around 7:00 or 8:00 last night, so there hasn't been too much talk. I know we were talking yesterday, and we were asking him to put us onto a food place. A couple of guys, we checked out American Deli.

Q. (No microphone)?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: I knew they had -- I think they did have a GPS. I'm not sure. How fast was I moving? Honestly, once I got past the first pile of people, I knew I was out.

Honestly -- this is the honest truth. Like I wasn't running that fast. I didn't think I was running that fast until I watched the video, and people were saying I was moving really fast. When I watched, I was like dang. I low key was sliding.

Q. Especially considering that loss (no microphone)?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: I can't really speak for other guys, but I know for me I don't look at it that way. The biggest thing, man, I just want to go out there and honor and glorify God. I know this team, that's definitely what we want to do as well.

The biggest thing, man, we try not to look backwards, but to continue to look forward and be in the moment right here, man, it's another moment. Shoot, a great moment, a great opportunity. So the biggest thing is we just want to look ahead and not look behind us.

Q. (No microphone)?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: It's been great. Now, I wouldn't say it hasn't been any challenges, but it's been good. Having Quinshon in the room, man, I'm so thankful to have Quinshon in the room. I love him. He's a brother to me, man. I truly love him, and I thank God for placing him here.

Man, it has helped in so many ways, like you said, taking that wear and tear off each other's body, me learning from Quinshon, Quinshon learning from me. We're encouraging each other. That's what it's all about, man. So I'm so thankful that God has allowed Quinshon to be here. He has placed Quinshon here. I truly believe God has placed Quinshon here for a reason. I'm just so thankful to have him here, man. He's my brother for real. I love him.

Q. (No microphone)? Has it been difficult playing more time?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: I'd say I do feel more fresh compared to last season.

Q. You've had a chance to play with a lot of really good NFL talent. What sets this year's team apart from those previous years?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: Honestly, we played against a lot of great teams, like you said. A lot of talent. I think, when it comes to the back end of the season, your body is tired, you're tired. It's a longer season. It comes down to -- I think Coach Day talked about this, competitive stamina, being able to compete for a long period of time.

Honestly, I think this team, man, just coming together, continuing to trust God and continuing to lean on Him. I truly believe God is like, He has helped us to just stay focused. Even when we were tired, to just keep going, you know, to keep going.

Man, we're here. I'm just thankful. We wouldn't be here without God.

We played against a bunch of great teams, man. I think it just comes down to like I believe most important is our faith in God, and then the work that has to be put in. Having to endure, being willing to compete for a long period of time.

Q. (No microphone)?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: Yeah, the person who passed away in Hopewell, that was one of my little dudes. I actually grew up with him. We grew up in the same neighborhood. When I heard about that, it truly did, it hurt my heart, man.

I just know like -- think about God, man, even situations like that, although it was like a terrible situation, like He can use that situation for good. Even hearing about like how people gathered together after that, and the word, the word of God was spoken, the Gospel was shared, and even after that, like people coming to Christ.

So I believe it's just like -- I'm just thankful that God used that situation for good. I pray that his soul rest in peace.

I even heard from one of my old youth league coaches that he was actually starting to read the bible right before he passed away, and he was trying to tell his friends about the bible. Man, that right there, when I heard that, man, it brought me so much joy.

He was the light to the people around him. He was the light, really funny dude. Yeah, may his soul rest in peace.

Q. (No microphone)?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: Really all of my high school coaches. They played a big part in my life. But one guy I do want to give a shout out to is my coach. His name is Luther Stanley. When I was a freshman, like he was the guy that saw something in me that no one else could see.

I was tough -- as a freshman, I was a tough dude to deal with. Before I met Jesus, I had anger problems, and Jesus rescued me from the person I used to be. Still, even with my anger problems, that coach, Coach Luther Stanley, he stayed right there and stuck by my side and gave me an opportunity to compete with the varsity guys as a freshman.

Yeah, I just thank Coach Stanley for sticking by my side even when I was tough to deal with, and seeing something in me that no one else could see. He was a DB coach, defensive back coach. I used to play defensive back in high school.

Q. (No microphone)?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: Jeremiyah Smith, he's a great player, and just the way he goes about his business as well. He's had a ton of success as a freshman. Every day he comes into practice, he's focused, he's grinding, he's working hard.

To see the way that he goes about his business, it's amazing, man. Man, we're so thankful to have him on this team, man. He's made a huge impact on this team.

Q. (No microphone)?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: A bounce back? What do you mean by that?

Q. (No microphone)?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: Yeah, he most definitely is going to bounce back.

Q. (No microphone)? How have you noticed the adjustments since this season versus last season?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: I'd say the coaches have done a great job adjusting to this new season with it being a longer season. I really do believe the coaches have done a great job of adapting to that.

The biggest thing is to continue pushing us to work hard. We've had some tough practices. So I think it's finding that common balance of making the practices tough, but at the same time, not pushing these guys too much where they're tired and worn out before the game. So I think the coaches have done a good job of finding that common balance.

Q. (No microphone)?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: They're a physical team. It's going to be a battle, man. We're just excited for this opportunity. We're excited for the challenge as well. We know they're going to come out and play their best game.

Those guys are great at what they do, great defense. We're just looking forward to the challenge and excited to play against Notre Dame.

Q. (No microphone)?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: It would be so great, man. It would be so great to bring a National Championship back to Columbus. To win it all, it will be so great.

The biggest thing, whether we win or lose, we praise God, and we thank God. I truly believe what God has done on this team, outside of accomplishments and awards, is so much greater than receiving this National Championship.

But with the hope of us winning and the confidence of us winning, and we do receive that National Championship, man, we're just going to be so thankful. This team has been through a lot. The group of guys, the seniors on this team has been through a lot. So it's going to be a special moment for just, after all of those hard times, after everything, the hardships, the suffering that God allowed us to go through, to just see what happens Monday. Just hoping we come out with the win.

We're thankful no matter what.

Q. Could you walk us through as an outsider voice what's happened?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: I'd say God is doing great work. He's doing great work. He's moving. Just to see even what he's done in my life and players' lives on this team, the people we once were and like who we are now, and that's only by God's grace. That's only because the power of Jesus. He has the power to save. He has the power to transform.

It's so evident, like if you hear the testimonies of these guys, like the people who they once were and who they are now, you can only praise Jesus.

Yeah, we're so thankful. Even coming back here for another year and just like, man to see that just Jesus continue, God continue to move, Jesus continue to move. Players who you never thought would be who they are now, even myself, God did it. He truly does have the power to save. He loves us all. He died for every single one of us.

So many players -- and I pray even the people on the outside, like they're seeing that, that Jesus do love you. He died for me and all of us. So we put our faith in Jesus Christ. He will save us. He will come into our hearts and transform our lives.

Q. (No microphone)?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: Notre Dame, they're a great defense. They do a good job of stopping the run. So they're a physical defense, and it's definitely going to be a challenge for us. We've just got to continue to prepare and work hard and practice.

When it comes to game time, we have to execute.

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