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January 18, 2025

Ewen Ferguson

Dubaii, UAE

Majlis Course at Emirates Golf Club

Press Conference

Q. Nobody came off the course today and said they found it that easy. Penny for your thoughts after that third round 74, please?

EWEN FERGUSON: Yeah, it was hard, but I felt like I was grinding well. Then they put us on the clock on 15, walking to the 15th green, and then the 16th, I want to say for no reason. I knew we were going to be waiting on 17, 18, anyway, and felt like started rushing our play with a little intensity anyway. And felt if like I was too amped up and couldn't calm down and kind of ruined the day a little bit.

Yeah, a bit sour, by birdieing in the last keeps me in the last group. You know, last group on a Sunday is where you want to be, and playing with guys like Tyrrell and Dan is going to be good, and hopefully I can do my best.

Q. Do you take comfort on a day where you're not firing on all cylinders that you're just two away from the leaders?

EWEN FERGUSON: Yeah, I struggled today but I knew every time I've won and done well in tournaments, there's always a day where you're not quite great.

Honestly, yesterday every yardage was the perfect yardage was the shot I wanted to hit, and today I had awkward yardages. Didn't like the pin positions and didn't like the lies that I had. Not that they were bad lies, but just lies didn't suit my eye for the shot that I wanted to hit. Stuff like that. I could just feel it was tough. But the same happened in Munich on the third round and Qatar a bit, as well.

So just going to do my best, stick in there and hopefully a little bit of magic happens on Sunday. Chip-in on the last or hole a shot somewhere and you never know.

Q. Well, if it comes down to the wire I think you can take some confidence that you come off the 18th trumps because you've got quite the relationship with that last hole.

EWEN FERGUSON: You know what, I think you make your own luck in this game, and it kicks you enough, so it's good to kick it back sometimes.

We'll get to the last tomorrow and try to do the same. Stick to your plan. Try and hit good shots. Execute. You know, take in the surroundings, and if there's a grandstand that's needed, then I'll try to hit it.

Q. Laurie Canter was saying earlier that Tyrrell Hatton is really the man to beat tomorrow. How much are you going to pay attention to the leaderboard?

EWEN FERGUSON: I'll just stick to my wee game. I'll just do my own wee thing and Tyrrell probably is the man to beat, let's be honest. He's a bit of a superstar. Pressure doesn't seem to bother him too much. He's got the full package in his golf game.

But at the same time for me it's not all about winning the tournament. I said before, like getting in these positions is sometimes a win on its own, and this is a step towards kind of doing things like this more regularly. And learning to play tomorrow with someone as high class as Tyrrell will be something that even if I play awful, is still going to have me in really good stead going forward.

Last year at this time of the year, a tournament like this, I didn't think I would be doing this well. So yeah, I feel like I'm getting better all the time.

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