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January 16, 2025

Sami Valimaki

La Quinta, California, USA

PGA WEST Pete Dye Stadium Course

Quick Quotes

Q. First ace I believe on TOUR for you. Can you just describe that third hole you played today.

SAMI VALIMAKI: Yeah, it was good start. I hit a couple good shots before that, and then the number was just perfect. Four paces before the pin, come down, and it came there and just released nicely to the hole.

Q. What was the yardage, what club did you hit?

SAMI VALIMAKI: We had 160 meters, so 176 yards, 8-iron.

Q. It looked pretty in the air, right?

SAMI VALIMAKI: Yeah, it looked all the way it was going to go in.

Q. What was your reaction, reaction of caddies, other players in the group?

SAMI VALIMAKI: It was actually nice, I mean, all the guys were around it, and just have a good laugh and cheers, so it was fun.

Q. Have you had any other aces on the DP World Tour or anywhere else that you played?

SAMI VALIMAKI: No, I haven't had any in pro golf, so it was nice. Last time I made one was in 2021, so it was almost four, five years, so it's nice to get it done.

Q. Where did you make that last ace?

SAMI VALIMAKI: It was back in Finland.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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