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January 12, 2025

Stephan Jaeger

Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

Waialae Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Tough finish but overall a great week. What you do you you take away from it?

STEPHAN JAEGER: Yeah, didn't drive it well enough the whole week. I was kind of scrambling a little bit some holes. The one on 16 I would like to have back. Wrong hole to hit that shot in a since, right?

So other than that, the game feels nice. Just got to make a little bit of an adjustment on my driving, one of my strengths. I think it's probably going to be a little setup change and should be okay for Torrey.

Q. Clutch putts today, huh?

STEPHAN JAEGER: Uh-huh. Is that a question?

Q. Yes. You putted great?

STEPHAN JAEGER: Yeah, I putted great the last two days. Kind of kept myself in it that way. JJ obviously played really solid and some of those guys made a nice finish.

Wish I had a few of them back, but you can't make all of them. Super happy with my game. Obviously disappointed to finish this way. 5-3-5 on this golf course is a tough finish.

So you learn from it and we'll come back stronger.

Q. What was your thought process on 18 tee? Any thought about not going for it?

STEPHAN JAEGER: Yeah, hit driver the first two days. One day I hit it in the tree right off the tee and went like 60 yards, and then the other day I hit it way through on the right.

So I feel like 3-wood is a little easier to turn over. Really what I needed was the shot on 16 on 18, my first one, that really big hook around the trees.

You know, it's one of those I don't love seeing, so that's a tough one for me.

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