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January 12, 2025

JJ Spaun

Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

Waialae Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Tough finish, but what do you learn from this?

JJ SPAUN: Yeah, no it was a great week overall. Proud of how I battled all day. Hung in there with Stephan and Nico and Nick putting the pressure on. Unfortunately didn't go my way there at the end.

You know, it is what it is. Hopefully I use this momentum going into the rest of the west coast.

Q. Any key shots in your mind?

JJ SPAUN: This course is really tricky for me. I hate working the ball right to left off the tee. I never choose to unless I really have to, which you really have to around here.

I'm proud that I was able to like hang in there and give myself a chance feeling as uncomfortable as I did off the tee around this place.

So, yeah, I think that just means my swing is in a good spot, and maybe next time more putts will fall and it'll go my way the next time.

Q. Did hit some big putts; talk about some of those.

JJ SPAUN: Yeah, no, I made some nice ones on the front nine. Definitely kind of got the mojo going early. Missed a short one on 9 that just broke off. We didn't think this broke right and it broke right.

Then made a really big par putt on 14 which was big. And then just a lot of good putts coming in that just either I just left short or just didn't break enough so they were all over-read. That's just golf. Kind of how it goes.

Q. Did you ever think about not going driver off 18 tee?

JJ SPAUN: Yeah, I hit 3-wood today.

Q. Oh, I'm sorry.

JJ SPAUN: It's okay. I've hit 3-wood every day. I can't draw my driver to save my life, so it's a 3-wood all day on that hole.

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