January 12, 2025
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Abu Dhabi Golf Resort
Great Britain & Ireland
Quick Quotes
Q. You just scored the point which secured your team's victory like you did at Ryder Cup. How does it feel?
TOMMY FLEETWOOD: Obviously slightly different circumstances this time but feels great. What an unbelievable group of lads we had this week and an unbelievable captain. A pleasure to be a part of it, and everybody just played so well.
You know, I always find it very motivating and inspiring being around the lads in a team environment, and you want to get the best out of yourself for the team. And yeah, just happy that we got it done this time. And yeah, I'm sure we'll enjoy later.
Q. Incredible start to your round, 6-under par through seven, and you're only 3-up. What's going through your mind?
TOMMY FLEETWOOD: Over the 3-footer, start thinking about my own score. It was a great match.
Again, it's one of those matches that you enjoy being a part of just because the standard is so high and you feed off each other.
I think towards the back nine, there was definitely some tired golf getting played. I could feel my legs had gone by the 11th or 12th, and there was some very average shots towards the end. But that's all part of the long weeks in a team.
But yeah, it was a great match and Matt is an unbelievable golfer, as he proves all the time. Yeah, I enjoyed playing.
Q. A word for your captain, Justin Rose. How good a job did he do?
TOMMY FLEETWOOD: For me on an individual level, I'm so close to Justin, I think so highly of him. He's one of my closest people out here, and he has been for a long time. I think he's been a phenomenal captain.
I think seeing his insights on how he views certain situations, how he sees the way the week pans out, I think you're constantly learning off him, and he was great. All the lads absolutely loved playing for him. He was unbelievable captain and I'm glad that we got the win for him this time.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports