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January 11, 2025

Stephan Jaeger

Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

Waialae Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Low round currently of the day, 62 ties your career low. Talk about your round out there today.

STEPHAN JAEGER: Yeah, it was great. It's obviously a little windy, so the golf course plays -- it's been playing fairly similar the last three days. Felt like if you can kind of get in the fairways, I know they're hard to hit, but if you can get in the fairways, you can make some birdies.

My putter kind of bailed me out a couple times. I made a long one on 8, my 17th hole. Just overall a nice round. Anytime I was in the rough I hit a good shot to the green and had a chance for birdie. Obviously super happy with it.

Q. Can you talk about your back nine but the front nine.

STEPHAN JAEGER: Yeah, I've played the actual back nine pretty well this week I feel like, and I've struggled a little bit on the front. Today I felt like I gave myself some nice chances to make some nice putts, nice momentum putts, as well. Obviously made five birdies coming in, which was really nice.

Q. Any hole out there that was pivotal for you to make that switch?

STEPHAN JAEGER: I made a nice up-and-down on No. 4. Felt like I had just made two birdies the previous holes, and I hit it in the bunker, and I hit the bunker shot close so I didn't really have to grind very hard. But to make par there kind of kept the momentum going, and I birdied a couple holes after that.

7 was another bunker shot that I had a little bit more left, about 10 feet left and made that putt for par, which was nice, and then obviously holed a really long one on 8 and ended up finishing at 12-under, which was nice.

Q. You're in contention going into Sunday. Can you talk about your mindset heading into tomorrow?

STEPHAN JAEGER: Yeah, I mean, it's the same. You're trying to hit as many fairways as possible. I played pretty aggressively off the tee, a lot of drivers. If I can get them in the fairways I'll have a lot of shorter shots in. If you miss the fairways, you're going to have to be creative to get those balls on the greens and get good birdie putts. Nothing will change; game feels nice, so I'm excited about tomorrow.

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