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January 11, 2025

Eric Cole

Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

Waialae Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Back-to-back 67s. Tell us about today's round.

ERIC COLE: Yeah, overall it was pretty good. It was I think the windiest day so far today, the way it felt out there. For the most part, I was in control of the ball a lot of the day. Could have shot lower, but I think that's kind of the case a lot of times around here.

Q. With it being the windiest day so far, what adjustments did you have to make throughout the round?

ERIC COLE: Yeah, it was tough. I think they forecast like east northeast wind, but I felt like it was bouncing around quite a bit, especially when we were making the turn like 8 through 12, so getting the yardages was a little tough, but caddie did a good job and we got a few of them right, so that's good.

Q. What's the mindset going into tomorrow?

ERIC COLE: Just keep doing what I'm doing. Hopefully have another good day ball-striking and get in contention on the back nine would be great.

Q. What would it mean to break through and get that victory?

ERIC COLE: Yeah, it would be awesome. I think it's been a big goal of mine since my rookie year, honestly, and I think the more times I'm in contention, the more likely it is to happen. I think if I keep putting myself here, then hopefully I'll get over that hurdle.

Q. Is it tough not to think about winning and try to concentrate on the final round?

ERIC COLE: Yeah, I think it's always in the back of your mind. Winning is just such a great thing. It comes with so much. It's what you want to do; you want to win.

It's always in the back of your mind, but I just kind of try and remind myself that the only way to win is to keep doing what I've been doing to kind of put me in that position as often as possible.

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