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January 11, 2025

Tommy Fleetwood

Jordan Smith

Abu Dhabi, UAE

Abu Dhabi Golf Resort

Great Britain & Ireland

Quick Quotes

Q. You've played four Ryder Cup foursomes and won them all, and you've played four Team Cup foursomes and won them all. You're not allowed to say good partners. Why are you so good at this format?

TOMMY FLEETWOOD: I've got no answer then. It is partners; it is a nice record to have, I guess. But once again, go out with somebody like Jordan, he is literally a perfect foursomes partner. We had the ball in play all day and although at times it was a little bit frustrating when it was generally me that wasn't making the putts.

But we were just very relentless tee-to-green today, and we played very well on what I thought was a pretty difficult afternoon, really.

Q. How much would you like to win this thing tomorrow in style and go out and win that singles?

JORDAN SMITH: I think everyone wants to go out there and get all their points. Yeah, we are looking for a big win tomorrow. Like I said, everyone is going out there to get that point, and the team is feeling good. Everyone is playing great. Yeah, should be a good day tomorrow.

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