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January 5, 2025

Tommy Paul

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Tommy, welcome to Adelaide. How are you feeling heading into the 2025 season?

TOMMY PAUL: Excited, man. Very excited. A little bit of a grind getting down here for me. Took a little longer than we wanted. I'm down here, got two hits already. Excited to start the year.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. 2024 was obviously a great year for you. Gold medal in particular. How are you going to top that this year?

TOMMY PAUL: Well, I wish it was a gold medal. It was bronze (smiling).

I mean, there's a couple things in my game that I've been working on more than others. I just want to improve overall. Hopefully better results, more titles. I just want to do everything a little better, you know?

Q. Obviously you said you had two hits already. How has Adelaide been treating you?

TOMMY PAUL: Good, yeah. I mean, I got in yesterday. I mean, went to sleep pretty early yesterday. I was pretty tired. I always finding coming to Australia, it's not too hard to adjust.

I really love the courts here. Conditions were amazing yesterday afternoon and today, so... Got some time on center. Yeah, definitely like the conditions.

Q. How did your pre-season go? I saw some photos of you fishing. Balancing that with the training, how did it all go?

TOMMY PAUL: Yeah, no, that was after-hours stuff when I got all my work done and could go have some fun.

Yeah, pre-season was, as always, a bit of a grind but a lot of fun. We push ourselves. It's, like, the only time we really have to build anything, put any muscle on the body. I think we did a good job this last six weeks or so.

Q. I see you're wearing an Eagles cap. Do you follow college sports at all and do you have a team?

TOMMY PAUL: I grew up big into college sports. I used to love the Tar Heels, Tar Heels basketball. I committed to play at Georgia, so I followed their football a bit.

I don't know. Lately I haven't been super into college sports. Especially over the past two years or so, it's been more pro sports that I've been watching.

Q. 4:30 in the morning is when the Philadelphia game is. Will you get up for?

TOMMY PAUL: We'll see. We'll see what time I fall asleep tonight. We will see if the jet lag is hitting me. Maybe I'm up already.

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