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January 9, 2025

Thanasi Kokkinakis

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

From Recorded Audio

S. KORDA/T. Kokkinakis


Q. We got a big night of action here, and I know many of you had come to see the man standing to my right, Thanasi Kokkinakis. Unfortunately, despite pushing through incredible pain and adversity last night, his injury has been too much to bear, and he will not be able to play tonight. But I think you'll agree, he's shown amazing courage to come out here and talk you through it. Thanasi, Thank you so much for being here.


We could see it last night that you were clearly hurting and in a bad way, if you can explain in your own words what's happened.

THANASI KOKKINAKIS: Yeah, first of all, massive apologies. As you all know, there's nowhere else I would rather be playing than here tonight in front of you guys. Unfortunately, yeah, just a lot of pain last night, playing through an injury that's kept me out for many years, and it came back and crept up on me. So, yeah, pulled up worse this morning, so, yeah, pretty flat about that. But, yeah, I mean, already looking forward to next year, and apologies again, but thank you so much for the last few nights.


Q. We all know how much this means to you, it's your favorite tournament, it's your home tournament, it must have hurt a lot to pull out on the eve of such a big match.

THANASI KOKKINAKIS: Yeah, I mean, a great opportunity for me. The place was rocking last night. There's no court that puts a feeling into me like this one does when I head out there. But, yeah, I mean, I guess the next goal for me is to try and see if I can be ready for next week. I got a few days of recovery, and, yeah, it's pretty disheartening and flattening to not be able to come out here tonight. But the girls are stepping in, we've got a good couple matches coming ahead, so hopefully they can put on a show. And, yeah, again, thank you so much, guys, for the support you've shown throughout the years, and especially this week as well.

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