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January 11, 2025

Felix Auger-Aliassime

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Press Conference


6-3, 3-6, 6-1

THE MODERATOR: Congratulations, Felix. This is your first outdoor title. What are the emotions right now?

FELIX AUGER-ALIASSIME: Well, it feels great, any title feels amazing. I had my share of difficulty to win titles in the beginning of my career, and now, you know, every title means a lot. It's been also a tough couple of last months, but, yeah, to show that I can play well on other surfaces, I know I can do it, but to get over the hump and win a first title outdoors is great.

THE MODERATOR: How does this help with the confidence going into AO, it's quick turnaround for you.

FELIX AUGER-ALIASSIME: Obviously it's a quick turnaround. The confidence is high. I know my capabilities, I know what I can do, but take it day by day. First I'm happy with today, and I'll prepare tomorrow.


Q. Seemed to go to plan for you out there tonight, I think you said yesterday the perfect start to the year, just a quick reflection on the achievement, and what's coming up next.

FELIX AUGER-ALIASSIME: Well, no, yes, it's true I said that yesterday, it's an amazing start, for sure, the emotions are great that come with winning a tournament. Especially for me, with regarding of the recent ups and downs and struggles, this means a lot. I'm proud of myself and the team, we've put in some good work in the last few weeks and months, and to get rewarded that early in the year is obviously gratifying.

Yeah, the week wasn't perfect at all, but I think what was really good was my mentality and the way I fought throughout tough matches in the week, and again tonight, three sets. Honestly, it was just that one game where I double faulted twice in the second set that there was a dip. If not, I felt like I was in every return game, I was playing some good tennis, so today was for sure my best match of the week.

Q. The confidence levels now entering Melbourne must be sky high.

FELIX AUGER-ALIASSIME: Well, it's great, obviously winning four matches in a row, five if we count United Cup, going into the AO. I mean, it's only, what, January 11, so it's great to start a year like that and let's see.

I'm going to enjoy tonight, get some good rest if I can, and then prepare for the AO tomorrow. I already play Monday, so quick turnaround, but I believe I can get through the first round, and then let's see how the tournament progresses.

Q. Just wanted to ask sort of your mentality in that final set, I saw you look to your coach after the first game, and just sort of said, like, All right, I'm locked in. What was your mentality like at that point to sort of bounce back from the second set?

FELIX AUGER-ALIASSIME: Well, because I just felt like they were trying to obviously get me, I don't know, pumped back up, or get me to wake up, but I didn't feel like it was that type of state I was in. Like, really, we got new balls, I don't know, I didn't feel right, and then I just double faulted. It was a weird game. I was playing good, and then, you know, he played some good shots, I double faulted, but I didn't feel like I was down. Still had kind of looks at 5-3, he came up with some great shots. I just felt, like, you know, I don't need to be waking up right now, it's more like just keep doing what I'm doing well and I'm sure I'll get chances here in the third.

It was good to get that first game, and obviously key to start that well in the third and get the opening break. But, yeah, the mentality was that I had a lot of belief that I was doing the right things.

Q. Obviously you had a really big year in 2022, it's your first title since 2023, do you think you're well poised now to have a really big run and another really big year?

FELIX AUGER-ALIASSIME: I mean, let me enjoy my night first (laughing). Already, you know, all the expectations and pressure. No, but I appreciate, you know, the question. I hope that's what's next for me, and I hope that's what's ahead of me. Seasons are long, it's a long year ahead, and I'm not in control of everything that can happen and go on. But what I'm sure is I'll give my best. If my best is like tonight, then it's good, and if I can be even better, then great. I'll see week by week, but definitely it feels good. Look, first title, like you said, in a year and some months, so it feels great.

Q. Looking ahead to Monday, Struff from Germany, have you played against him, how are you feeling about that matchup coming up in round one?

FELIX AUGER-ALIASSIME: Well, I didn't know, I just found out, so... But it's good. I didn't want to know before the end of the tournament, now it's done, so okay.

Struff, tough, tough guy. Not an easy first round, for sure. Let's see. We played in the past, always tough matches, he's beaten me, I beat him. Great serve, I feel like just strong from both hands. But also I don't know what's his form lately. He was a guy that was maybe seeded in the past, now he's not, so let's see what type of form he is, I mean, I don't know, but obviously a tough guy to play.

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