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January 11, 2025

Matthieu Pavon

Romain Langasque

Abu Dhabi, UAE

Abu Dhabi Golf Resort

Continental Europe

Quick Quotes

Q. Yesterday, Matthieu, you were sent out first and beat the opposing captain, and today you beat the pair that won yesterday. Just what makes this team so good?

MATTHIEU PAVON: Relationship, it's all about; it's a team event. As we said, and me and Romain, we know each other quite good and we played so many practise rounds and games outside competition, I think it's just a great pairing.

Q. You missed out the first time the captain made his wildcard picks and there was just one left, and you decided to go down to South Africa and convince him that he needed to peck you, and you did that by finishing second at the Nedbank. Why did it mean so much to you to want to play in this thing?

ROMAIN LANGASQUE: Straightaway after The Race to Dubai, I was talking with Sam that is caddying now for Francesco, and straightaway the Sunday of The Race to Dubai, I sent him a voice note telling him I'm going to go to South Africa and qualify myself. I think he still has this voice note.

Yeah, missing my PGA TOUR card for the second year in a row was tough, and my World Ranking was better than most of the guys on the team. But I didn't get picked. So I was like, I can do it, and I still have a spot. So I was so happy that this spot was still alive.

I'm so happy to be here and so proud. Team event has always been something that's always been a dream for me and Ryder Cup is the main goal. It's amazing to be here, especially with Matt, and very happy that we get these two match done already.

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