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January 10, 2025

Denny McCarthy

Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

Waialae Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Denny, just overall comments on your round today.

DENNY McCARTHY: I played really well. I played better than yesterday I think tee to green. Hit way more fairways today. Missed a lot of short putts, but I guess made up for it. Made a couple longer bonus putts. Made a couple each day.

Yeah, the greens in the afternoon were a little choppy. I didn't love how I rolled it in close. Overall I played really well and looking forward to the weekend.

Q. Speaking of putting, you're sitting second in strokes gained putting. Talk about the new putter in the bag this week.

DENNY McCARTHY: Yeah, feels really good. Like I said, I've made a lot putts from mid-length and a few of the longer length ones.

Kind of evens out. Missed some in close today that I'd normally clean up, so that was a little frustrating. Missed a couple short ones early and bounced back. Made some mid to long range putts in the middle of the front nine to get me into the round. Played really solid on the back tee to green.

It was really nice. Yeah, everything feels really good.

Q. What hole was pivotal in your round today?

DENNY McCARTHY: I think 4 and 5. I mean, I just played two decent holes on 2 and 3 and walked away with bogeys on both.

Hit a really good shot into 4. Hit a really good putt that didn't go in.

Played a goof hole on 5 and made about a 25-, 30-footer that kind of got my round settled in a little bit.

So I think that kind of that little stretch in the middle of the front nine got me going.

Q. Played Kapalua last week. What's the difference between that course and this? Which one is tougher?

DENNY McCARTHY: This one is tougher for sure. You're not going to have a 35-under winner here. Yeah, I don't know. The two years I played Kapalua I really struggled, mainly on the greens there.

Feels like if you miss a six-footer for birdie you're losing a shot, and I missed a lot of six-footers for birdie last week. I missed pretty much everything I looked at, so it's been nice to see assume putts go in here.

That course involves a little more strategy. Fairways are really firm. You get the crosswinds. Bermuda rough is up. Just involves a lot of thinking, course management, which is more suited to my game.

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