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January 10, 2025

Zach Johnson

Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

Waialae Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Zach, nice playing out there.

ZACH JOHNSON: Thank you.

Q. Notice the KT tape on your arm. What do you got going on there? How is that helping you?

ZACH JOHNSON: I've got tennis elbow of golf. I had some really good consultations, really good orthopedic advice, and I've taken so the measures that have helped.

I went to the desert before I came here and really wasn't great. It's gotten better and better by the day, so paying a lot of attention to it. Got good physios that help me with navigating this sort of I guess you call it an injury. Had the MRI, everything done that needed to be done.

So KT tape has been working nice. I have compression braces and things like that that work okay, but the KT tape seems to be the best. I'm very encouraged. Best it's felt in probably months, and I'm playing three weeks in a row so need to take care of it.

Q. Solid round out there. How you feeling about the game?

ZACH JOHNSON: Game feels great. Haven't really looked at the board. Based on the fact I'm doing interviews, can't be that bad. Yeah, I've been encouraged with my game for months. That sounds really generic, but, again, I have. I just haven't seen it. I haven't competed. Played basically one and a half weeks in the fall because I'm not going to miss a Friday night light.

So that was great. I'm not going to play like a massive schedule this year. I don't feel like I want to or need to, obviously for priority reasons. But I'm excited. I'm excited for what's ahead, the work I'm doing, excited what's in my bag and how I'm navigating things.

I'm excited mentally, too. Been a fresh start. Very, very simple in my approach.

Q. What was your club on 3?


Q. A number on there?


Q. Thank you.

ZACH JOHNSON: Yep. Hey, it was an answer.

Q. It's got to be your first year without full status.


Q. Are you writing letters?


Q. And what is that like?

ZACH JOHNSON: Well, I've written letters. I'm doing more of the phone call approach. Doing both.

Q. That's actually a funny answer. That is PXG level, but that's a good answer, too.

ZACH JOHNSON: Thank you.

Q. What's the difference between a letter and phone call? What's more effective and what is more natural to you?

ZACH JOHNSON: I don't know. I've never been in this position so I don't know what's more effective.

Q. Have you ever asked for anything? When is the last time you did?

ZACH JOHNSON: I played at the John Deere Classic before I had status, 24, 25 years ago, whatever it was, and I think I wrote a letter there.

Q. Mini tour days for you probably, or Nationwide days?

ZACH JOHNSON: Yeah, would've been Nike Tour days or whatever.

Q. Don't date yourself.

ZACH JOHNSON: Korn Ferry years. I did try to get an invite -- I can't remember if it was Boston or LA U.S. Open. USGA, like a special invite. That was not happening.

Q. Got you.

ZACH JOHNSON: They've got precedent. Sounds like they stick to it, which I can fully appreciate.

Q. I think they only look at their own though.


Q. I think they pretty much mostly look at their own. Not always.

ZACH JOHNSON: Yeah. I think winning a USGA event is a priority to them. I fully understand that. I can appreciate that. Yeah, '25 is a unique year. I didn't fight for my card in the fall which was hard. At the same time, I knew full well that mentally and emotionally if I was playing on a Friday and my son was playing a game I would not be present, so I didn't play. Pretty simple.

Q. You're okay with that?

ZACH JOHNSON: Very. Right now I'm very okay with that. And he got hurt which stunk, but I lived vicariously through him. Never thought I would say that about high school football, but I'm going to miss it tremendously.

Q. What does he play?

ZACH JOHNSON: Starting tackle and D-end. He's not like his father. In size or attitude or approach.

Q. Can he putt?

ZACH JOHNSON: He cannot putt, but he can hit and he doesn't feel pain.

Q. I know you said your game has been -- you felt good about it. When you were coming here for the 21st time...


Q. Don't correct me. Are you allowed to have expectations?

ZACH JOHNSON: Are you allowed? Sure.

Q. When you're here in '05/'06 and starting a new year...

ZACH JOHNSON: I understand where you're going.

Q. As an older person.

ZACH JOHNSON: My approach has been essentially no expectations. Other than that essentially staying right where my feet are and executing a shot right there. I like my approach. It's really, really simple, whether it's a tee shot, approach shot, putt. Extremely simple.

Not overthinking it like I have in the past. I mean I've sought out a lot of advice in the last three or four years all of which I have in my pocket if I need it.

I've had to simplify and really just get down to the fact that I know when I'm doing. I'm an athlete that -- maybe an athlete, an athlete this plays golf. That's the way I've always played. I am not too paranoid where the club is. Just get in there and kind of play. What I've noticed and felt is that that's usually been the best recipe.

As far as expectation, going back to your question, sorry I'm on a rant here, I've also -- Augusta will be the absolute perfect example of this. I kind of wish I could push reset on my knowledge on some of the golf courses. You get here and you're like, oh, well, this does that, and then it doesn't do that and you're like, well, it's not as fast or slow as -- or whatever it may be.

Sometimes the knowledge you have or the wisdom you acquire, it's really good, but it can be detrimental because you rely on it too much.

Q. Last thing: As you're walking along the fairways and may have seen a leaderboard, when is the last time you saw your name at the top of a leaderboard?

ZACH JOHNSON: Usually when I play early. Everybody is at even.

Q. Was it cool. Kind of cool? Fun?

ZACH JOHNSON: Yeah, no, I mean, fortunately doesn't feel that out the ordinary.

Q. Good sign.

ZACH JOHNSON: Yeah, I mean, just had a Talladega Nights quote go through my head. I'm the best. I'm just kidding. I piss excellence.

Yeah, it's been -- hasn't happened much but I haven't played that much, number one. And two, I've been bogged down with a lot, just a lot in the brain. Almost like a gutter. Like you got to clean it out.

Again, grateful for all the advice and individuals that have helped me get to this point. Still am. I still got a great team. Don't get me wrong. I'm just really comfortable with being excessively simple. Very simple minded.

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