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January 10, 2025

Patrick Fishburn

Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

Waialae Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Patrick, second consecutive 65; nice playing again. Just get some comments on your round.

PATRICK FISHBURN: Yeah, got off to a really good start. You know, I birdied 12, 13, and 14, which I was really excited about the birdie on 13. That's a pretty tricky hole. Hit a 6-iron to about six or seven feet and made that.

Then another good shot on 14.

That was kind was the key, getting some momentum early. Felt really good with all the clubs in the bag. Felt like I drove the ball pretty well. Irons felt great. The times that I missed the green I got up and down. Chipped one of them in. Also felt good on the greens.

So real happy with how it's gone the last two days.

Q. Take us through the 5th hole, if you can.

PATRICK FISHBURN: Yeah, actually hit a great drive and I got up there and it was right in the middle of a sand divot kind of on the upslope, a little bit in between the wedge and the 9. It's a little bit hard to predict, so I took the 9 thinking it was going to come out a little bit dead, and just kind of a punch-type shot. Kind got hit with the wind, went long left, not a bad miss, and ended up chipping it in.

It was probably going to go about eight feet by but luckily it hit the flag.

Q. What's been the biggest key for you through two rounds?

PATRICK FISHBURN: Probably just keeping the ball in the fairway. I've hit a lot of fairways and feel really comfortable with the putter. First round I made a few long ones and today felt like everything was kind of going where I wanted it to on the greens.

Just a matter of judging the wind and the break. Feel like I'm rolling the ball really well, so excited for the next two days.

Q. Compare the last two years, last year from the driving range you said mostly, and then here this year.

PATRICK FISHBURN: Yeah, like I said, it was a big relief being on the plane knowing I was going to get a tee time. Completely different scenario. Last year was good. I knew it was going to be close, but I still went out there and practiced and played like I was going to get in. Thought about, you know, maybe I'll get in next year.

Just kind of prepare a year in advance and see what happens. So, yeah, happy to get the tee time this year.

Q. How much do you love playing golf in Hawai'i?

PATRICK FISHBURN: It's a wonderful spot. Been coming here ever since I was a freshman in college, and we've played on this island and then Kauai. It's hard to beat. There is not a better place to be probably this time of year.

I enjoy playing in the wind. I feel like it requires you hit different shots and I think it's just a lot of fun.

Q. Currently tied for the lead. What are your goals and mindset going into the last two days?

PATRICK FISHBURN: Just to continue what I've been doing. You know, the wind makes it tricky and this golf course is a tricky course depending on the direction of the wind and things like that and with how firm it's playing.

Just kind of take what the course gives me and be aggressive when I can, but try to continue to have good course management and hopefully roll a few in.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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