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January 10, 2025

Matthieu Pavon

Romain Langasque

Abu Dhabi, UAE

Abu Dhabi Golf Resort

Continental Europe

Quick Quotes

Q. Matthew, you saw you were playing with Romain last night, what did you think about that pairing? Did you know you would have the dynamic together to get the job done today?

MATTHIEU PAVON: That was awesome news, Roman was one of the last in and I was so happy for him, so proud. Being paired with him was just a beautiful day, and obviously we got the win in the day. So just a perfect day.

Q. Today, playing with Monsieur Pavon, you had the upper hand all day. Did it feel like that? Rosey and Wallace seemed to keep on coming back at you guys. Did you feel like you had to dig deep to win this match today?

ROMAIN LANGASQUE: Yes, we were 3-up after nine and it was a great start and unfortunately we didn't get the momentum going on 10 and 11. From 3-up straight to 1-up.

But I have to say, Matt has been very, very strong on the back nine. He has made two putts that has been the momentum going for us, and I couldn't really find my game. I was trying to make some par and he was doing the job.

On the back nine, unfortunately I couldn't help really. But this is why he is better than me at the moment, and this is why -- I mean, I was very happy to be paired with him. He has been the guy of the team today.

Q. Are you guys getting the point of this whole thing? Are you getting the feeling of what it's about that you guys need to show everyone that the Ryder Cup is going to be so very big at Bethpage? Are you getting a feeling for it? Are you getting a taste in your mouth for it?

MATTHIEU PAVON: Yeah, exactly, as we said, we don't get a chance to play much of a team golf. Here we are playing GB&I and I know they have a better record than Continental Europe, so we have to change the thing. We won the last one and we definitely want to win this one as well.

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