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January 10, 2025
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Abu Dhabi Golf Resort
Great Britain & Ireland
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Q. Many, many congratulations, your first Team Cup match and you have a point in the bank. Much adrenaline was coming down the last?
LAURIE CANTER: Jordan, a lot to be honest. I could see on the board, a whole point, we really needed a whole point. I thought we were kind of guaranteed a half point. I knew it was important to do that.
Yeah, I think we did a good job of staying aggressive, and both had a point to try and make at least a four on the last and delighted to do it and get us the point.
Q. Jordan, you were pretty much 1-down through all the front nine through the 10th hole as well and then you birdied 11, 12 and 13 to take a 2-up lead. How satisfying to produce that sort of golf when you really need it?
JORDAN SMITH: Yeah, I sort of struggled down 9, and we sort of said to ourselves, let's stick in here and keep two balls in play. Let's have two looks at it. Sort of around the turn there was crucial for us, and we managed to put a lot of pressure and not secure the match but gave us a good chance coming down the last few holes.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports