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January 9, 2025

Tyler Loree

Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

Waialae Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Tyler, first round of the Sony Open. Played pretty well. Talk about getting that under your belt and how the day went.

TYLER LOREE: Yeah, it was great. I had a lot fun out there today. I was really nervous to start off, few rocky shots here and there, but we came back and had a good process all day.

That's what my caddie told me. Just kept having a good process, best pre-shot routine after each shot. Yeah, just worked out the way it did.

Q. I caught up with you and your group on maybe hole five-ish and I think you were 2-over. You went and birdied five of your next six, something like that.


Q. What happened? Was there a mentality switch? Were you a little more comfortable? Nerves gone?

TYLER LOREE: I just kept stacking good shots. Like I said, nothing really changed that much. Just kept focusing on what I'm doing, making sure I'm present in the moment, you know, just kept working on just hitting good shots and having good pre-shot routine, calming myself down as much as I can.

Worked out the way it did.

Q. Talking to you before on your practice round, you said no real pressure. Wouldn't be surprised if you played good.


Q. Now that you're done, is it a little relief off the shoulders getting the first round out of the way?

TYLER LOREE: I mean, who knows what can happen tomorrow. I'm just trying to enjoy the moment as much as I can. Super grateful to be here.

Like you said, maybe a little bit of relief. It's just knowing I can compete out here. But we have another round tomorrow, so see how it goes. Just have fun tomorrow and count them at the end.

Q. How much fun was it today?

TYLER LOREE: It was awesome. I had a blast. It was great. Really enjoyed it.

Q. Very impressive. You're 17, right?

TYLER LOREE: Yes, sir.

Q. When do you turn 18?

TYLER LOREE: I turn 18 this February.

Q. Were your playing partners supportive? Did they give you any tips or anything?

TYLER LOREE: I mean, my playing partners were great. They were very kind and great. Most of us were sticking to what we were doing. Yeah, they were great though.

Q. What was more nerve-wracking, playing for the state championship high school or this today?

TYLER LOREE: Not going to lie, the state championship high school I was pretty nervous. But I feel like for me, just playing this week I'm just super grateful.

It's like I made it out here, which is so great. I'm just trying to enjoy the moment. I feel like it's a little less pressure.

Q. There is another amateur here, a golfer at Florida State; you're a UCLA commit. He's going through this program the PGA has where you can remain an amateur in college and accrue points.


Q. Is that something you might be looking into as you matriculate to college?

TYLER LOREE: Yeah, I mean, I'm just here to play good golf. I'm not really trying to focus on the results. I'm just trying to stack good shots like I said before and just enjoy the experience.

Definitely just learning as much as I can from these guys. I want to be here one day, so these guys can learn so much from them.

Q. So November is when you qualified, right?

TYLER LOREE: Yes, sir.

Q. Have you been nervous the whole time? Have you been planning things out?

TYLER LOREE: I was more nervous for the qualifier honestly. Getting here is just such a -- it's a great opportunity. I'm just so grateful to be a part of this tournament.

Q. Looking at your scorecard, correct me if the holes are wrong, but I think you bogeyed 14.


Q. Came right back with a birdie on 15. To me, that shows maturity and poise. Do you think that might have been the key to your round?

TYLER LOREE: I mean, definitely. I mean, I've just -- my caddie was great at keeping my emotions level. We weren't really like not looking back at our scorecard and be like oh, I bogeyed this hole.

Just looking forward and making sure with he focus on each shot one at a time and count them up at the end.

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