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January 9, 2025

Romain Langasque

Abu Dhabi, UAE

Abu Dhabi Golf Resort

Continental Europe

Quick Quotes

Q. You've played match play as an amateur and also you played the World Cup, as well, for France but a little bit of a different feel this week here at the Team Cup.

ROMAIN LANGASQUE: Yeah, it's very different. I mean, it's ten years that I have been playing match play and it's something that I have missed. I've been in match play because I won the British Amateur and I won the Spanish Amateur, as well. It's always something that I've been strong but I've been missing it.

And of course, here it's different. It's nice to find this kind of format again, and I'm really looking forward to Sunday face-to-face someone.

Q. How proud are you, not just individually but to see three French players representing Continental Europe this week?

ROMAIN LANGASQUE: Yeah, very proud of myself. Very proud of French Federation, I would say in general, because they have put massive effort in the last ten years, I would say.

They haven't done everything perfect but they have tried to make some new things for us to be better, quicker. So I think this is part of what we've done well and why now there is more and more because Viktor Perez is a very good player and we have some other good ones coming up. We are three, maybe first on this side was Julien Guerrier, as well, so four.

At the moment there is five or six very good French players, and I think the atmosphere that has been around French golf the last ten years has been helping a lot. This is really, really proud for France, and I think, as well, the public in France is very happy to be able to watch French guy on TV more.

It's a big achievement for everyone.

Q. And you were the final pick on the Continental European side. So you must be really pleased to have played really well at the end of the season to justify that decision?

ROMAIN LANGASQUE: Yeah, after Dubai, it was tough, because I didn't qualify for PGA TOUR. And I felt I could have get in this team even if I didn't get the PGA TOUR because my World Ranking was better than most of the team and many things were on my side.

But of course, there is many good players and they choose someone else. But straightaway the night I heard I wasn't picked, I sent to Sam, which was my first caddie, and caddying to Francesco, that I would go to Africa and I would get this last spot. I tell him straightaway. Because I wanted it, and I was like, okay, they have picked who they pick and this is one more pick and it's for me.

I'm very happy that I've gotten there. And teeing off the last round, actually, in my mind was like winning the tournament. At the same length of qualifying for this event, like I was really looking forward to get my spot.

So was very happy to have it at the end and to make it done.

Q. That just goes to show how seriously you guy are taking this.

ROMAIN LANGASQUE: Yeah, what shows, as well, is that, I mean, when you see the organisation this week, for me, it's pretty new and I've never played any Ryder Cup yet. The condition is amazing. In my mind, qualifying for this event was very, very important. I didn't expect this event to be that good for the moment. I've done everything I could to qualify. But as well they are doing anything they could to give us a good experience, and this is what in my mind at the moment.

I hope I'm going to continue to play well and give points to our European Team and show them, as well. Because I feel that maybe in six months' time, if I am on the edge, that could help, as well. So I will try to show some good things this week.

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