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January 9, 2025

Rasmus Neergaard-Petersen

Abu Dhabi, UAE

Abu Dhabi Golf Resort

Continental Europe

Quick Quotes

Q. Rasmus, it's safe to say that the last 12 months have been a meteoric rise if you look at what you achieved on The Challenge Tour, getting three wins, immediate promotion and winning The Challenge Tour rankings, and now you're here representing Continental Europe. How do you feel?

RASMUS NEERGAARD-PETERSEN: I feel incredible. Super excited to be here this week. Obviously the last 12 months, or even just 18 months since I turned professional, it's been crazy. It's gone so fast.

But when I came out of college, I felt ready. I felt ready to compete out here and especially the last year, being able to sit down and have a proper schedule, yeah, hard to put into words.

But it felt great, and I'm just, yeah, excited for the next couple days and to get the season going.

Q. You're one of five Danish players in your team of ten, and you've played with a couple of them in the past as well. How at ease do you feel? How comfortable are you?

RASMUS NEERGAARD-PETERSEN: I feel very comfortable. Obviously half the team is Danish, obviously know those guys.

But also, I was lucky enough that the last couple of event that I did get to play in the DP World Tour last year I played with Matteo a couple times and played with Romain a couple times. I feel like I know the people here, and I feel really comfortable, and I feel like if there's anything, any questions that I have, I can come to those guys and they will be willing and happy to help.

Q. How much are you hoping to get out of this week, not just in the short term but going forward in your clear career? Because this is a really good opportunity to speak to a lot of guys and just get a sense of what events like these are like?

RASMUS NEERGAARD-PETERSEN: You know, absolutely. I had a good talk with Paul McGinley today walking up the 11th. One of the things he told me was, what he said from his career was basically one of the persons he felt really got it right was Monty, and he said he didn't bother trying to reinvent himself. He said he just got better what he was doing good already.

It's so easy coming out already as a rookie walking up-and-down the range and seeing the likes of Rory and other people you've seen from afar. It's easy to start saying, okay, What is he doing, let me start doing that, instead of just sticking with what got you there in the first place. I think that's one thing that I'm definitely taking from this week already.

Then there's so many legends here. So much experience. Just trying to draw as much of that as I possibly can and hopefully use it down the line as well.

Q. And one of those legends is your captain, Francesco. How has he been as a captain so far?

RASMUS NEERGAARD-PETERSEN: He's been great. He's been great. You know, he's not always a man of a lot of words but I feel like he always knows what to say. He's got such a calm presence about him. Definitely after a team talk, even this morning or yesterday, yesterday evening, like you definitely want to play hard for him and play hard for this team.

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