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January 8, 2025

Niklas Nørgaard

Abu Dhabi, UAE

Abu Dhabi Golf Resort

Continental Europe

Quick Quotes

Q. It's been a few years since you've been in a professional team event but how much are you looking at the experiences that you've had going into a week like this where it's a new environment but a familiar one?

NIKLAS NØRGAARD: I love the team aspect and I think in general we play too little match play and too little team play in golf. So this is just a taste of it. Yeah, we're a select few that get the chance to play. So I just love how we can bond over something and for something greater. That's what I really like.

Q. And you're one of five Danish players on the Continental European team. What is the vibe in the team room, all trying to achieve one goal?

NIKLAS NØRGAARD: It's so special and so cool because we play against each other every week, and with the Danish guys, we're a group that we're more friends than competitors because we spend a lot of time together. It's cool to do this together and I look forward to us not having dinner with the rest; so it's just the team. These next few days are going to be fun.

Q. How has it been here? I imagine it's relaxed but when the wall goes up, you're two teams fighting against each other.

NIKLAS NØRGAARD: Yeah, that's what we are here for and to get a lot of experience, talk to the captains and getting some knowledge that we don't have. Like it's an environment where it's also for us to learn because these guys that are in this room, how often do you get a chance to pick their brains in not very often. So I'm going to spend some time on that as well.

Q. You'll have spent a lot of time with Thomas over the years, but having an opportunity to spend time with Paul McGinley, for example, Nicolas Colsaerts, Francesco Molinari, as well, and playing on the PGA TOUR with a view to making the Ryder Cup Team, how much is that on your mind?

NIKLAS NØRGAARD: Yeah, I want to learn and I want to talk to those guys. I hope we get the chance to do that. Because if we can just take a little bit from this week that we can use in our individual tournaments, it's a win.

Q. As a start to the season, a match-play event, compared to a stroke-play event does that help you iron out a few bugs in the system, or are you feeling fresh and ready to go?

NIKLAS NØRGAARD: No, I think for every player in the beginning of the season, there's just a little bit of rust, and we haven't been to tournaments for at least a month. So it nice to start with match play where that triple-bogey doesn't really count.

Q. And the scorecard doesn't always tell the story, does it?


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