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January 8, 2025

Tom McKibbin

Abu Dhabi, UAE

Abu Dhabi Golf Resort

Great Britain & Ireland

Quick Quotes

Q. Tom, you've represented GB&I but your first professional taste of a team match-play event. How much are you looking forward to the week?

TOM McKIBBIN: Yeah, I'm excited. It was a goal of mine at are the start of last year to be part of this event. I haven't played any team golf as a pro. I played a little bit as an amateur so really excited to be part of a team and looking forward to the week.

Q. What's it been like since your arrival?

TOM McKIBBIN: Yeah, it's been awesome. I seen some of the clips before I got here an Instagram and I sort of seen what it's going to be like but until you get here and see it yourself, it's pretty incredible what they do for us, I mean, how well we are looked after and some of the stuff that we get is awesome. And yeah, just how good we are taken care of. There's co-locker rooms and the team rooms and all that stuff. It's hard to describe how cool it is until you're actually sort of in the environment.

Q. An open environment at start of the week, the big team room and as soon as the first tee shot is hit on Friday, you're going to be at each other's throats, aren't you?

TOM McKIBBIN: Yeah, it's going to be a real competitive environment. We'll both want to be beating each other.

I think Friday morning or whatever it is, it will be good.

Q. And when everyone who is here, obviously Luke is vice captain, a few other backroom team like Paul McGinley and the like, what are you hoping to get out of this week?

TOM McKIBBIN: It's a good question. I don't know. I just want to try and play golf that I know I can play. Obviously it's sort of the first event of the year. I just sort of want to go out and sort of been practicing quite hard the last couple weeks. So see if that translates over to my game and try to win as many points as I can.

Q. Looking at your teammates, is there anyone in particular you fancy teeing it up with?

TOM McKIBBIN: I'm very happy just to be guided around and have those guys make those decisions. They know what they are doing. I think we've got ten good players. I think everyone sort of teams to get along great. I'd certainly be happy playing with anyone. So I'm just looking forward to getting out there.

Q. What are you like in match play? Will we see a new Tom McKibbin?

TOM McKIBBIN: Not sure. It's been a long time since I played match play. Not sure what might come out of me but I doubt anything too crazy.

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