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December 29, 2024

Daniel Vacek

Karolina Muchova

Tomas Machac

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Team Czechia

Press Conference

Czechia - 2

Norway - 1

THE MODERATOR: Daniel, great performance from the team today. Talk us through how pleased you are and your general thoughts on the tie.

CAPTAIN DANIEL VACEK: Thank you so much. Was incredibly difficult match. Kaia played really well. Made the first point relatively easy. Then Tomas played some incredible match. Casper I think especially from the beginning, he played one of the best matches I have ever seen. I was really excited that we could enjoy this wonderful game. I think both showed the public that they are both very good players.

After the first set, I was a little bit worried because Tomas was sick the last few weeks. He was on the antibiotics. He was not able to prepare physically as well as he could. But I have to give him huge credit that he managed to pull through despite some difficulties and that he actually played incredible game.

THE MODERATOR: We'll open it up to questions.

Q. Tomas, in a match like that, I appreciate you lost the match, but it was so close, so exciting, are you able to enjoy a match while it's actually happening?

TOMAS MACHAC: Yes, I was really enjoying the match because, as coach said, captain said, I was sick before this tournament. I didn't do any pre-season as I wanted to. But I was really fighting whole match. I was surprised that I can play this level three sets. I was really enjoying that.

I was looking forward to play with Kaia the mixed doubles to bring the points to the cabin -- I mean, to the team (laughter).

Yeah, it was good. It was good.

Q. Karolina, with your experience, how confident were you going into the first match today? You never underestimate anybody. The fact that you've been around for so long, incredible results, did that add to your confidence?

KAROLINA MUCHOVA: For sure you never know how you going to approach especially the first match of the season. So there was a little bit tricky. I didn't expect much.

I wouldn't say I had a big expectation on my game, as well. I was just trying to get in a rhythm, play point by point. After few games, I felt better on the court and more confident. I felt I could rely on my serve today, and that helped a lot.

I started to feel with time on the court better and better. Yeah, then I think that for sure gave me confidence to finish the match in two.

Q. Tomas, after the three-hour singles match, how much consideration did you have to not playing doubles? How did you decide to play doubles?

TOMAS MACHAC: Well, I was thinking about it after the first set because I was really getting tight and I was really not enjoying the match after the first set. But I managed to find myself, I managed to find my body. I was in some pain, but it wasn't so bad at all.

After the singles, I was not even thinking that I will not play mixed doubles. I like to play doubles, especially mixed doubles with Kaia. Kaia is unbelievable player. I was looking forward to play against his side.

We were playing great. I was happy with that.

Q. Looking ahead to the match against Poland, can you preview your matches from what you're expecting from Iga and Hubie.

KAROLINA MUCHOVA: Yeah, I mean, it's going to be very tough battle. They're one of the best players for both of us. We might watch how they do tomorrow and where is their game.

Yeah, for sure we'll have to bring our best to be able to compete against them. I think it's actually very positive to play at the start of the season such great matches, especially for us, before Melbourne kicks in. I look forward to that.

Q. Tomas?

TOMAS MACHAC: I would be feeling really well with Poland (laughter).

Q. On facing Iga, all of your matches have gone three sets, one of the tougher opponents she has. To play each other so early in the year, what do you think is going to be the key? How do you think the court is playing for your game?

KAROLINA MUCHOVA: Honestly, I don't know. It's really so early in the season. I take it, again, very positively to play such a great match against her before the main event comes.

Yeah, I don't know last time we played against each other. Was probably in, yeah, Canada or somewhere like that. The court, I didn't play that much on this court yet, so I was happy I got to play two matches here. It's a little slow. I prefer it a little faster. Just getting used to it.

Yeah, I think I for sure will have to bring the A game to play against her, to compete against her.

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