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December 29, 2024
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Team Italy
Press Conference
Italy - 3
Switzerland - 0
THE MODERATOR: Team Italy, well done for your first win in the United Cup. Renzo, if you can just talk through the two singles, how proud are you of Jasmine and Flavio's efforts today.
CAPTAIN RENZO FURLAN: No, I'm very happy how they performed today, and I think the first match was very tough for Flavio, but he react very good, he has an amazing start, and breaking the guy like in the first game.
So I'm very happy about those two matches, and then Jasmine, she plays, I think she played amazing, 57 minutes, 6-1 is, 6-1, so I'm very happy to have this start in this competition.
THE MODERATOR: Jasmine, how happy were you with your first match of the year?
JASMINE PAOLINI: Yeah, I was, it was a really, really good match, I think.
JASMINE PAOLINI: (Laughing). No, not too many mistakes, I serve well, I return well, and I was moving fast, so I'm really happy about my performance today, and also about the performance of Flavio, he was playing good as well, so come on.
THE MODERATOR: Flavio, was yesterday's serving lesson helping you today?
FLAVIO COBOLLI: Yeah, of course. It was fun also because we were all together there, and, yes, it's helped me a lot for today. Today it was really good match. I think it was tough to start like this, because I came from injury on my shoulder from October of last year, so to start the season like this was tough also, because I came late here, and, yeah, I'm very happy about the match.
Q. Well done. Flavio, I would like to know your side of the tiebreak with Jasmine.
FLAVIO COBOLLI: Yes, I lost, but...
JASMINE PAOLINI: 7-5. No, 7-4, or 7-5?
FLAVIO COBOLLI: No, no, 5. 5, but only because for the confidence of today, you know.
JASMINE PAOLINI: (Laughing). He gave me confidence.
FLAVIO COBOLLI: I gave her confidence for the match.
Q. Jasmine, just curious, congrats to you, of course. What have you seen in Flavio the past couple of years, how he's grown and improved so much, and just his level of tennis today?
JASMINE PAOLINI: I knew I think Flavio better from the last year in the United Cup, so before not so well (laughing). But no, I like how he's staying on court. He has a good energy, but he's also like calm. So, he's moving so well, I really like to watch him playing, especially when I win the tiebreaks with him (Laughing.) No, but, I mean, for me, he's a really funny player to watch and I really like.
Q. Jasmine, I think you broke everyone of Belinda's service games tonight. Is that one of the best returning performances you've ever played?
JASMINE PAOLINI: Maybe yes (laughing). No, yes, I returned very well today. We are working on it, but it's not easy to perform well then on the match, but, yeah, today it was working well, and, yeah, I have confidence during the match, and, yeah, I think today was a really great performance at the return.
Q. Flavio, you've played a lot of doubles with Dominic in juniors, did that inform your tactics for the match today?
FLAVIO COBOLLI: I talk with my team for the tactic against Dom, and also after the match we talk a lot with Dom about the match. We have a great relationship, we are good friends, and we spend a lot of time on the tour, so it's also nice to play the first match on the year against him.
Q. Jasmine, obviously it was a solid performance from you today, but how much can you take away from a match like that when you also consider that Belinda was top 10, she hasn't been around for a long time because of the baby, but as far as you're concerned, what do you take away from a result like that?
JASMINE PAOLINI: You know, I think that today I step on court and I was really focused, because I know that Belinda can play really, really well. I knew that, I mean, she's back on tour from since two months, so it's not easy, you know, but I was really focused, because I have so much respect for her, you know, and I think today I played really, really well, not too many mistakes, so I hope that this match is going to help me for the next one, and for the Australian Open and Adelaide, but, yeah, it's a good match to have in the pocket, I think, as a first match of the year.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports