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December 30, 2024

Michael Russell

Coco Gauff

Taylor Fritz

Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Team USA

Press Conference

USA - 2

Canada - 1


Q. Coco, incredible mixed doubles match. Can you enjoy a match like that when there's so much pressure on the line?

COCO GAUFF: Oh, yeah, I was having fun. The bench... I was laughing. I was having a good time. I wasn't thinking about the pressure, to be honest. I was just like, Whatever...

Only so much I can do in a mixed doubles match, too. I was just trying my best to have fun and enjoy it, yeah.

Q. Taylor, it was tight third set. What made the difference in the end?

TAYLOR FRITZ: I think we were just letting some games get away from us that we had looks in. We lost a lot of games on their serve where we had break points, deuce points. They were doing a really good job of kind of staying in, getting these games. We would play good points, then make some mistakes.

In the tiebreaker, in the end of the second set, we cleaned up a lot of those mistakes we were making. We were just able to finish some of those tight games.

Q. Thoughts on your singles earlier? Felix did play well.

TAYLOR FRITZ: Yeah, I have thoughts on the third. I think the game that I got broken in the third was an extremely poor game that I played. Outside of that, like, he served great. I think the only situation where I'd kind of like accept it a bit more is if I let him get me in two breakers. That would be fair because he was serving great.

Yeah, I'm not going to overthink it too much. It's one of those matches I'm two points away from winning the match, 30-All on my serve serving for it. Missed a serve by probably a millimeter that would have been an ace. At that point he hits a backhand line winner, first one he hit in the match.

I can have a lot of thoughts about the third and the rest of the match. Super small margins from that being a straightforward win.

Q. Coco, your first singles match of the year. Thoughts on your game?

COCO GAUFF: Yeah, very tough match to play for the first match, especially against a lefty. I think I only played one or two last year.

Yeah, I'm really happy with how I played. She's a tough opponent. Kind of a physical match considering the scoreline. Overall just happy with how I started off the season. Happy to do well for my team.

Q. Mike, what were you most happy with?

CAPTAIN MICHAEL RUSSELL: I think just the resilience, the fact that Coco and Taylor played so aggressive in the end of that first set, then carried it over in the second set. Relinquishing the break in the second, then just kept fighting.

That's part of the whole team atmosphere: you're not only playing for yourself, you're playing for your team, getting the energy behind it.

It was great to see the energy and the way they meshed so well at the end there.

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