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December 30, 2024

Alex Ward

Katie Boulter

Billy Harris

Charles Broom

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Team Great Britain

Press Conference

Great Britain-2


THE MODERATOR: Welcome. Alex, just talk about the team's performance today overall and how pleased you are to get that win today.

CAPTAIN ALEX WARD: First of all, absolutely delighted for the team to get the win. I think everybody played their part. The guys on the bench was brilliant.

Then obviously Katie start us off with a fantastic performance. Not easy first match of the year, and she really delivered.

Then Billy played a great match. I thought Tomas just came up a bit too strong in the end. His level is pretty consistent, but I was really pleased that Billy got out there and played well.

Then these guys in the dubs brought it home. Again, fantastic. Charlie's first United Cup, and both played absolutely fantastic. Well done.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Katie, you really looked like you were having a great time out there in both the singles and the doubles, and obviously there was exceptional play from you. Where would you place your level of play?

KATIE BOULTER: It was all fake. I wasn't happy at all (laughing).

No, I really enjoyed my time on court today. I love playing doubles. I really don't get that much chance to play. I feel like I can relax and play my game and enjoy it even more than the singles, but obviously I'm very happy to get through my first singles win. It's never easy at the start of a season.

I feel like I've been playing some really good stuff in practice this week. Obviously it's not always to translate back on to the match court. I felt like I did that pretty well.

I feel like I've got a long way to go, and I've got a lot to bring this year, but it was a good start. Yeah, I'm happy with it.

Q. Katie and Charlie, you command really well in that mixed doubles. Were you expecting to play that well together, having not played together before? How did you feel your level was?

CHARLES BROOM: It takes a little bit of adjustment for sure, but yeah, I think Katie, the way she played in singles, she carried her level through in doubles.

I was just there to pick up the pieces really. Whatever needed to be done, I was there. I felt like we gelled really well.

Yeah, the whole team chemistry is really good. We get on really well off court, so that always helps bring that onto court. Yeah, I thought the bench did great as well. Especially there were some tight moments in that match, and to look over and see everyone engaged and involved that was great. That sort of settled a few nerves that may have been there.

KATIE BOULTER: I mean, what a way to start. Credit to him over here. He was absolutely awesome. First time here. First time playing mixed doubles. First probably match of the season as well. I mean, a lot of firsts.

Not easy to come out and play that well. I felt like he really stepped up to the plate. I just tried to match him as much as possible. I thought we played really well together.

Q. Katie, in terms of just the nerves starting a season, how different are the nerves before the first match of the entire season compared to other big matches and kind of what was going on in your head as you walked out on court?

KATIE BOULTER: Walking out on court, I feel like my nerves were a little bit heightened. I mean, naturally you're always a little bit anxious because you've been away for a few weeks, but I mean, I felt quite comfortable with the level that I've been producing on the practice court. I felt like I had a bit of confidence from that.

I've been playing really well, a lot of practice sets, a lot of points. They seem to be going well. I just needed to trust myself and back myself in that moment. I felt like I did that the whole time.

You know, you would look at the score and go a 2 and 3 is pretty routine, but she made me work really hard. I think that's actually great for me. I needed that kind of match where I was a little bit edgy, and I really pushed myself to get over the line.

They're the matches you want at the start of the year, and I handled it well. I'm happy the way I handled it. Yeah, I got a win. So very pleased.

Q. We have to ask about Alex and Team Australia next, of course. How are you all feeling? Billy, are you looking forward to playing Alex, or are you a bit nervous?

BILLY HARRIS: Yeah, definitely looking forward to. It's going to be another tough match. I thought I played pretty well today, started off well, and then just a couple of sloppy games in the second and third set.

So obviously gutted to lose for myself and the team, but yeah, these guys finished off the day well. So well done to these two, and Katie played well all day. Credit to her.

But, yeah, definitely looking forward to the next match and see if we can get another win.

Q. Katie, how are you feeling?

KATIE BOULTER: I really thought I was going to get through a press conference without having to answer this. I had such high hopes.

Yeah, I mean, it's a tough situation. It is. It's a tough one. He was smiling when I came off the court because we kept them in it, so he's happy. I'm not going to be happy until I win. Yeah, I'm just looking forward to a battle.

Look, I don't know what's going to happen on the day. I just have to keep my head down and try not to think too much about it, but we're both going to be fighting for it. We both want it. We both are competitive.

No matter what happens, we're still going to go home happy. That's all that matters.

Q. Charlie, I'm just curious, being at the United Cup and starting the year representing your country and being with your teammates, just how has the whole experience been for you besides getting the win today?

CHARLES BROOM: Yeah, I mean, amazing. I certainly did not expect that a month or so ago, but I've loved every minute of it to be here, represent your country. There's not many things better than that.

Looking forward to every opportunity that I get, and yeah, to get a win on my debut is pretty special.

Q. Billy, obviously you're here after Jack Draper pulled out. How do you feel about people pointing at you perhaps being just a replacement? How do you deal with that noise?

BILLY HARRIS: I mean, I haven't had anyone come up to me and say, You're the replacement, so it's not been too bad. Obviously I'm lucky that Jack is not ready for this week. But, yeah, I'm just happy to be here and getting great matches and trying my best to get a win for the team.

Came up a bit short today, but I'll take the positives and learn from it and try again on the 1st.

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