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December 30, 2024

Mateusz Terczynski

Iga Swiatek

Hubert Hurkacz

Jan Zielinski

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Team Name

Press Conference



THE MODERATOR: Just talk us through how pleased you are to get through that tie today?

CAPTAIN MATEUSZ TERCZYNSKI: I'm really thrilled how the match went for us. Obviously, you know, the whole team gave so much energy. We're really happy that we won the tie. And, yeah, it was very emotional, yeah.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Just in terms of the mixed doubles, I was wondering, Jan or Iga, if you could talk through what shifted I guess in that second set and then down in the final tiebreak, how you came back?

IGA SWIATEK: Honestly I think the second set was only about few balls because in every game we're kind of even, you know. So it came out to like this decisive points, but we knew that we can win it because obviously we won the first set with big control.

We had even more chances to break than we actually converted. So I was pretty positive about the super tiebreak and just wanted to focus on my baseline game and try to do as much on volley as possible.

I'm happy that I could play with Jan because we never played together. Mixed doubles is always, like, a fun game for me. So I'm happy that I can play, like, without any expectations, just focusing on really enjoying tennis and trying to return some men's serve. It wasn't as good as last year, so I need to keep up my game.

Q. Jan and Iga, you seemed to be having a long discussion with Casper at the net. Could you talk about what you were saying to him at the net after the end of the match?

JAN ZIELINSKI: It was mostly about the quality of the match we played. Casper approached. I didn't really hear what Iga was talking to Casper about, but what can Casper told me was it was a very high-quality match, and it was a matter of couple net cords. He complained about the net a couple of times that, yeah, it was going to be a winner and then it bounced over the net.

Yeah, it was mostly just about the quality of the match, a couple of positive comments to each other. We've known each other from the tour for a couple of years already. So, yeah, it was only positives.

IGA SWIATEK: I said it is fun to play against his forehand because I always loved his forehand, you know. Yeah, I just said that.

Q. Iga, you won a number of baseline rallies with Casper in the match tiebreak. Did that give you a lot of confidence going into your singles game having to play that different kind of ball and doing it so successfully?

IGA SWIATEK: Well, you know, it was just a couple of rallies. So I wouldn't say it has a lot to do with singles, but I know that on the baseline I can do a lot. So I'm happy that in those important moments I could hold it a little bit longer than before I think, and I'm happy that I kind of didn't panic because at first since I haven't played mixed doubles in a while, I thought, like, I need to do more than usual. Then I just tried to play my game, and that was the right choice.

Yeah, for sure singles is a bit different. I'm excited for our match with Czech Republic because with Karolina we always have tight battles. I'll try to prepare tactically, and I'll be ready.

Q. Hubie, your thoughts on that match against Casper? That first set was so crucial, wasn't it?

HUBERT HURKACZ: Well, Casper was playing really good tennis throughout the whole singles and mixed doubles. So he has really been on top of the game.

I missed a couple of opportunities. Still, yes, I still need a little bit of time to adjust and to play my best tennis, and definitely taking some positives from the match and also looking to things to work at.

Q. Iga and Jan, as far as that mixed doubles is concerned, it was an incredible atmosphere, and the crowd were going crazy. So how do you keep your head in those situations because I guess it could be very easy to drift away.

IGA SWIATEK: Well, honestly Polish people are always amazing. I don't take it for granted, but I get used to Polish people being there on the stadium to support us.

Honestly I was a bit confused with Casper's surname because apparently they were shouting "Ruud," and I heard they were boos. I'm sorry for that. I misjudged it totally.

But, yeah, if they were saying "Ruud," I think it was kind of even in terms of the support, and this is what makes our game I think the most interesting when also the crowd is kind of involved.

I already played some matches that were even better because of that, so for sure the atmosphere helped us. It's always exciting, you know. Honestly this is why I love playing team events and especially United Cup because we have different atmosphere, and I really enjoy that.

Q. Jan, like Iga was talking about the team atmosphere and everything, just how much do you enjoy the format where all of a sudden you end up with such a thrilled crowd and deep in a match with the best players in the world and getting to be part of that?

JAN ZIELINSKI: No, it's always been great. It's my third time playing this event. The first time was only men's, and now for two, three years it's been a United Cup together with women. I can say, I think I speak for the whole team, that it's one of the best moments of the year for us when we can actually spend some time together, play for each other, play with each other, start the year with some nice memories, nice friendships.

Looking back at the years, we usually do pretty well at this event. So it's always fun to spend a couple of the first weeks together because then later in the year we're mostly alone. We're missing each other. Even at the big tournaments everyone is doing their own thing, playing matches at a different time.

It's fun to look back behind us, look at the bench, and see all the top guys from our country supporting and playing for the same goal. So it's a privilege to be part of this team. Yeah, I'm hoping to keep going far in this tournament, and hopefully for a couple more years.

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