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January 3, 2025
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Team Poland
Press Conference
Team Poland - 2
Team Great Britain - 0
THE MODERATOR: Congrats, Team Poland. Two tough matches. Just talk us through your two wins, if possible. Iga and then Hubi.
IGA SWIATEK: Well, I'm for sure happy with my match because it was really intense and really tough, a lot of momentum changing. For sure I had my chances in the first set, and I didn't use them. But on the other hand -- did we win?
IGA SWIATEK: Yeah. (Laughter.)
On the other hand, I didn't waste any chances in third, and it for sure wasn't easy, both mentally and physically. I'm happy that I won this, because yeah, it means a lot.
HUBERT HURKACZ: Definitely really, really happy to get through my match and just, yes, to get some more confidence and play a little bit better tennis, and definitely that will help me for the next matches.
Q. Iga, just from a tennis perspective, can you talk through what the particular either tactical or whether it was her, whether it was you, what was the biggest challenge today and what adjustments ultimately you think made the difference?
IGA SWIATEK: Honestly, the tactics was the same throughout the whole match, but sometimes I just didn't do it how I should (smiling). So I guess I just need to be like consequent and stay solid in the important moments.
Well, I think it was kind of obvious what we both need to do, but still, we played so well that sometimes it was just hard to do that, or we had moments, I think both of us, where we kind of stuffed our hand a bit because it was tight and it was hard (smiling).
So, yeah, tactics, I wasn't, like, I tried to do the same stuff, you know, throughout the whole match, but sometimes I didn't. So at the end, you know, I just kept trusting it and just going more, like, bravely for some shots, because for sure when I gave Katie a little bit of time she always used it and always stepped forward.
Q. Iga, you had a long chat with Katie at the net and then at her team bench. Would you just mind sharing what was said between the two of you?
IGA SWIATEK: Well, I said, you know, that it was a great show and great match. I wouldn't say it was long.
Q. Then when you talked to her at the team bench, as well, at her team bench?
IGA SWIATEK: Well, I'll keep it private.
Q. Sure. You came out very strong after the medical timeout, and I was just wondering if you felt there was a change of momentum after the timeout and if that was something that you were expecting?
IGA SWIATEK: No, I wasn't expecting that. I didn't take medical timeout to throw Katie off her game. I did it because I had to and I didn't feel well. But I took some, you know, painkillers, and they started working pretty quickly. I was able to move a bit better.
But yeah, I felt that she got distracted a bit. She missed some shots right after the break, but it wasn't my intention, obviously, like, I don't do these kind of things to do it tactically. It was just that I needed it. So yeah.
Q. Do you think you'll be ready for the next match against Rybakina on Saturday?
IGA SWIATEK: Well, yeah, I think so. Honestly nothing bad happened. It hurt at the time, but I'll have plenty of time to recover now.
Q. Speaking of obviously the matchup with Rybakina, first of all, how much do you think the match against Muchova, obviously which was a tough one, obviously a physical one today, could help you, could also tax you for another tough match against a tough opponent of yours? And what do you make of having to face her on this court?
IGA SWIATEK: Honestly I'm happy, because it's a nice challenge, especially before a Grand Slam. Elena likes playing in Australia, so for sure it's going to be a challenge.
I think these two matches that I played will help me, because I know what I need to do after playing these two matches, and kind of I got through some tough moments. So it's not going to be so new, like, on the next one.
But yeah, honestly I didn't know who I'm even going to play, so obviously I can't say, like, more, because we're going to prepare probably tomorrow in the evening.
Q. Iga, what suddenly changed going from the first set to the way you played in the second set?
IGA SWIATEK: Well, I, for sure, you know, I got a bit tight in the first set, and she used it immediately. So I just didn't do that in second, and I knew that I have kind of nothing to lose. And I went for my shots and I was more brave kind of and committed to them.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports