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January 4, 2025

Aleksandr Nedovyesov

Elena Rybakina

Alexander Shevchenko

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Team Kazakhstan

Press Conference

Team Poland - 2

Team Kazakhstan - 0

THE MODERATOR: Tough luck, Team Kazakhstan. You came up against two very in-form players today. Can you sum up your performance today, Elena and then Alexander?

ELENA RYBAKINA: Well, it was very tough match. Of course I had chances and opportunities in the first set, but Iga played really well. In some moments was a bit unlucky for me, like catching the line. Yeah, as I said, I had my opportunities. Overall I think it was a good match. Of course not the result I wanted, but I think it was great preparation for Melbourne.

ALEXANDER SHEVCHENKO: Yeah, obviously not the result we liked as a team, and actually disappointed with my singles performance. I mean, Hubi played unbelievable with his serve, and he didn't give me chance to go in the game.

Yeah, I had to be a little bit more careful on my service games at the start. When he had early break, he started to play even better. It was really, really tough. Obviously the condition changed, the flight, so it also played a role a little bit, I guess. So, yeah, a little bit sad, to be honest.


Q. Tough luck today, guys. Elena, just on the match, seemed like you obviously had good control over things. The court seemed a little bit faster, would suit your game versus hers. Curious if there was something you saw from her side that she tactically changed late in that first set, or did you think it was mostly you?

ELENA RYBAKINA: Well, I think that she served pretty well. She was also changing it a lot. Overall, I mean, I like the court because it was also no sun, and the only problem it was really humid compared to Perth where we played. It was really humid. It was tough to move and just after long rallies I was feeling that I'm very tired physically, but I was pushing myself.

I mean, she was getting some unbelievable shots, and credit to her. As I said, I had couple of opportunities, if I maybe served couple of games better and this break was quite easy in the second set, but again, it was very close and I had my chances.

Q. This is to both of you. You both have talked about in the last few answers about the condition change from Perth to Sydney, and teams in previous years who have played in Sydney have been, in general, more successful. Do you feel it's fair that some teams have to travel from Perth halfway through and adjust to the new conditions?

ALEXANDER SHEVCHENKO: No, it's not fair. No, to be honest, I think it's just ridiculous about that we have to fly five hours and then time change, because as a team we went to sleep a little bit later because we cannot fall asleep.

Obviously the condition is so much different. Here it's indoors and there it's outdoors. There is quite a bit slower. Here it's faster. Yeah, I think they should change probably that, because this is not the right thing to do.

ELENA RYBAKINA: Well, I would say the same. Of course it's not easy to fly. It was, like, four-and-a-half, five hours' flight, and then you have only day and a half basically to prepare, to adjust. Of course it's not enough.

Other teams, they have the same, but we also starting at 10:00. I would agree that ideally if we would play everybody in one place, it will be much better for everyone.

Q. I just have to ask about the situation with your coach and the article that's come out in the New York Times about him being provisionally suspended by the WTA. Were you aware of this? What are your plans for the Australian Open in light of that information?

ELENA RYBAKINA: Well, I'm working with Goran, and these articles came out, I mean, I can only say and I said it already before that he never mistreated me or it was never anything like that.

I mean, I'm working with Goran. I'm happy the way we work now for the couple of weeks. As I also said, that Stefano is rejoining the team because I know the person for six years, and there is a lot of things we can do outside of the court too.

Of course I'm not really happy with the situation. I'm not happy with the comments which I see, especially from the people who are on the tour. It's active coaches, commentators. I don't think that it's fair.

Yeah, but the only thing I can say is, like, he never mistreated me. I have respect to him for everything he did from the very beginning when I was 200 all the way what we did, like, I don't know. You can name me other coaches who had the same success with players who have been 200 and then winning Grand Slam and being in the top.

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