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January 5, 2025

Ludvig Aberg

Kapalua, Maui, Hawaii, USA

Plantation Course at Kapalua

Quick Quotes

Q. Ludvig, 9-under today, 24-under for the tournament, nice way to cap off the week. Some comments on your round, please.

LUDVIG ABERG: Yeah it was nice, both today and yesterday was a lot better than the first two rounds. It was nice to hit some shots, and especially off the tee I was a little bit better over the weekend. The fairways are quite forgiving, and you need to make a lot of birdies, which I was able to do both today and yesterday, so it was nice weekend of golf.

Q. A lot of birdie and eagles. Take us through the eagles today on No. 5 and No. 9.

LUDVIG ABERG: Yeah, obviously No. 5 is a long par-4, if you will, and we, all week we've just been trying to get some easy 4s on that hole, and if you sneak in a 3 that's great. I hit a 7-iron onto the green and made a 20-, 15-footer, something like that.

9, I've been struggling with a little bit this year, even last year going back to when we played here last time. I don't think I've birdied 9 yet, so it was nice to hit a good shot on the green and make a putt. Obviously eagles are a little bit of a bonus, you just try to make 4s on the par-5s, but it was nice.

Q. Currently 4th place. Talk a little bit about how you feel about starting the season with a good week.

LUDVIG ABERG: Yeah, absolutely, Maui is such an amazing place to start your season. Obviously you need to shoot a lot of low scores to keep up here, and it's a great place to start, and looking forward to a long good season.

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