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January 5, 2025
Kapalua, Maui, Hawaii, USA
Plantation Course at Kapalua
Quick Quotes
Q. Really cool albatross out there today. That's the first albatross in the 27-year history of this tournament. Did you know that?
TAYLOR PENDRITH: That's pretty cool, yeah. No, I had a really good number, and was just trying to hit a hard 6-iron and land it kind of front third and let it chase back, and as soon as I hit it I knew it was going to be really good, didn't expect it to go in, didn't see it go in, but the fans that were up by the green went crazy, so, yeah, it was a really good bonus.
Q. How many albatrosses have you had in your life, in your career?
TAYLOR PENDRITH: That's actually number eight. Which is weird. I've got three hole-in-ones and that's number eight albatross. First one in a tournament. It was pretty cool.
Q. Did that cross through your mind when it happened, like I just did this again, since that's you're eighth, because that seems pretty significant?
TAYLOR PENDRITH: Yeah, it's been like four years probably since I last made one, but they're obviously super rare and, yeah, it was awesome to see it go in, but I knew it was going to be close for eagle, and to have it drop was a huge bonus. Yeah, it was a really good shot, so it got rewarded.
Q. You mentioned it was a hard 6-iron. When you walked up and saw the shot did you feel good about it from the jump what was your conversation with your caddie?
TAYLOR PENDRITH: Yeah, we had 203 pin, I think, and the wind was kind of laying down at the time, it was a little bit in off the right, and just had to hit it solid and let it do its thing and chase back to the pin. And, so, yeah, I was feeling pretty comfortable. I had a similar yardage one of the other days and hit a nice shot, so felt good about it. Yeah, I hit it really solid and it went in.
Q. How does the momentum change for you after something like that happens, did you feel good about the rest of the round and going forward or just lock back in and that was another hole?
TAYLOR PENDRITH: I feel like yesterday I got off to a horrible start, I was 2-over through 2, and so it was nice today to kind of get the momentum going and hit a lot of really good shots on the back nine early and couldn't get anything to fall and but overall it was a good round, but to have that happen and 3-under in one hole really gets you going.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports