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January 5, 2025

Hideki Matsuyama

Kapalua, Maui, Hawaii, USA

Plantation Course at Kapalua

Quick Quotes

Q. What attitude did you bring to the golf course today to get this job done?

HIDEKI MATSUYAMA: I knew Collin was going to play good today, so I was going to say, hey, I'm going to shoot 10-under today, and that's the attitude I had today.

Q. You are in the history books, PGA TOUR 35-under is the lowest number on the PGA TOUR for any tournament. I guess you're just finding that out now. How impactful is that for you?

HIDEKI MATSUYAMA: That last putt, it felt like if I make it, then it's going to be the record, so I'm so happy that it went in.

Q. You've won three times on the PGA TOUR within the last 12 months, how would you describe the belief you have in your game now?

HIDEKI MATSUYAMA: I was able to have a great off-season and get a fresh start this week and play well this week, so it was a great way to start.

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