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January 2, 2025

Kimberly Birrell

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Press Conference

K. BIRRELL/A. Potapova

7-6, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: Congratulations. Into your first 500-level quarterfinal. Give us your thoughts on the match today and your performance.

KIMBERLY BIRRELL: Yeah, really happy with how I played today. I was really determined to back up how I played yesterday. Just so much fun playing in front of the home crowd. The atmosphere has been incredible.

Yeah, just really enjoying it. I think that's showing in my tennis.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. The mindset entering today, it felt like it was kind of yesterday was a free hit in a way. Did you come in with a bit more expectation on yourself, a bit more pressure, everyone expecting you to win again?

KIMBERLY BIRRELL: Yeah, I guess maybe a little bit. I think I was obviously the underdog yesterday. I tried to just remind myself that I kind of was today in a way, as well. She's much higher ranked than I am.

I definitely did have expectations of myself. Like I said, I was just really determined to play well like I had the day before. Was really happy that I was able to perform at some of my best tennis again, yeah.

Q. I think I know the answer, but have you surprised yourself at all with your level this week?

KIMBERLY BIRRELL: Hmmm... Not really. Is that what you were expecting (laughter)?

Yes and no. I think I'm just really happy that I've been able to play well under pressure and on the big points, just execute what I've been working on in the off-season.

Even throughout last year, especially toward the back end of the season, I felt myself starting to play really well, how I know that I can. So that gave me a lot of confidence.

I think, yeah, just starting the year here, feeling so comfortable on the courts has really, really helped me. So hopefully I can keep it going for the rest of 2025.

Q. Live rankings, you're inside the top 100 now.

KIMBERLY BIRRELL: I didn't know that. Cool.

Q. How does that feel? Job is not done...

KIMBERLY BIRRELL: Yeah, it's awesome. Job's definitely not done. I'm still going to take it one match at a time. I'm not exactly sure where I'm sitting, but I'm sure it's not that far into the top 100.

Q. 99.

KIMBERLY BIRRELL: Yeah, I have much bigger goals than just reaching the top 100. I want to be comfortably inside the top 100.

I don't have that many points to defend through the beginning of this year. Yeah, I'm just going to try not to think about it too much. Obviously it's pretty tough not to think that way when you're very goal-driven.

I think if I can just focus on the process, the rankings, the points, the results will follow.

Q. That's just a number next to your name.


Q. But to beat a No. 10 and No. 40 back to back, does that tell you you are someone worthy of moving far into the top 100?

KIMBERLY BIRRELL: Yeah, absolutely. In the past I have had some big results. It's really nice to prove to myself that I can play that way consistently. That's a really big goal of mine moving into this year, just backing up day after day, week after week.

It's obviously a long season. There's ups and downs. But trying to bring those two closer together, I think that will really help with my ranking, my results.

I've been told by people, my coaches and family, that I have that level. Now to really prove it to myself feels very good.

Q. The way you're hitting the ball at the moment, your groundstrokes are phenomenal, looks like you're hitting with such freedom. Is part of that familiarity with the surrounds? Sometimes that can put more pressure on people.

KIMBERLY BIRRELL: Oh, yeah. I just feel so comfortable out here. I know the court so well, the speed of the court. Not just the pre-season hit here, but from a lot of my junior career and life I've been practicing here. Yeah, I think that definitely is a key element.

I even know, like, which way the wind's blowing kind of thing, so... Yeah, I think it also is I really believe in the work that I've put in, the things that I've been working on. Yeah, just sort of play free. There's no better feeling.

I know it's not going to be like that every week, but I hope that I can keep that going for as long as possible.

Q. I believe it's unseeded opponents through to the final. Dare to dream for you?

KIMBERLY BIRRELL: Well, yeah, definitely. I will never beat myself going into any match. Yeah, otherwise there's no point in even stepping out on the court. Crazier things have happened.

Yeah, I'll continue to take it one match at a time. But I will just, yeah, continue to believe and hope to play as many matches as possible out there. So yeah...

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