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January 3, 2025

Kimberly Birrell

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Press Conference

A. KALININA/K. Birrell

4-6, 6-1, 7-5

THE MODERATOR: Kim, well done on a terrific week.


THE MODERATOR: Not the result you wanted today, but what are the positives you can take forward from the week?

KIMBERLY BIRRELL: Yeah, so many positives. I had so much fun playing here this week. It's such a good way to start my year. Hope that I can keep it rolling.

Of course, disappointed getting so close, just falling short. But I'm definitely going to focus on the positives. Yeah, super proud of how I played this week.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Can you walk us through the second set and how you refocused and came out for the third set.

KIMBERLY BIRRELL: Yes (smiling).

Obviously the second set, it went by super fast. I think she did come out after the break and play some really good tennis. Unfortunately I think I stiffened up a little bit and I felt my legs get a little bit heavy. I don't think I moved as well and as sharp as I can, especially against someone who hits the ball as big and accurate as she does. She uses the whole court and angles super well. I needed some more legs.

I was really happy that I was able to refocus and just tell myself to give 100% whatever I had left in the tank in the third set. That's what I did. I think that was why I was able to make it much more competitive than the second. Even though I came up short, I'm really proud of myself for giving it everything I had.

Q. What do you take from this tournament as a whole?


Yeah, I'm super, super proud of the way that I've been playing and just backing myself. No matter who was down the other end, I trusted in my ability and the work that I put in in the off-season. I knew that my level was there. Now that I've really proven it, I think, yeah, so many positives.

Just so much fun playing in front of my friends and family. Obviously disappointed, but definitely going to keep riding the high I've been on this week and take it into Melbourne. It should be fun.

Q. It must give you so much confidence heading into qualifying.


Q. Must be so positive for you.

KIMBERLY BIRRELL: Yeah, thanks. I'm really excited to play in Melbourne. I love the conditions down there. I've also played some great tennis.

Yeah, I'm going to continue to just keep backing myself. Like you said, the confidence that I've gained this week has been unreal. Yeah, you just can't replicate that in practice. You need to really prove on the match court that you can do it.

Having really done that this week, I'm going to use that going into next week, and continue this momentum hopefully for the whole year, yeah.

Q. You mentioned that you needed new legs. Was it the ankle or calf maybe?

KIMBERLY BIRRELL: No, not really. Not anything too specific. I think, yeah, just sort of that more like delayed onset muscle soreness that I have had. I played some really physical matches, as well. Just being the first week of the year, it's crazy how your body adapts super quickly, but then not playing matches for like a month, it sort of takes a little bit again.

Yeah, this level of tournament, I've played at this level but not necessarily as many matches as I have had this week. It has taken a bit physically and mentally out of me.

But I'm really going to focus on my recovery, yeah, enjoy a day off tomorrow, then quickly refocus and start preparing quallies.

Q. Give yourself a rest and a pat on the back, then straight into Melbourne?

KIMBERLY BIRRELL: Yeah, all eyes on AO. Pretty used to that with tennis: quick turnarounds. You're playing and losing one day, then have to refocus to compete again the next.

It is tough. It's also what I love about tennis: each week is a new opportunity. Yeah, really looking forward to playing in Melbourne.

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