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January 4, 2025

Polina Kudermetova

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Press Conference


6-4, 6-3

THE MODERATOR: Congratulations on reaching your first WTA Final. What are some of the emotions that you're feeling right now?

POLINA KUDERMETOVA: Thank you very much.

I'm so happy because for this big tournament and my first final. I'm so excited what I will do good work for this week. Thank you.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. What do you think has worked well for you this week?

POLINA KUDERMETOVA: I think it's work everything with my coach because he all the time talk with me before the match. He all the time support me. We're work since one years. It's really good work with him.

Q. You've had some good wins. How confident are you you can keep winning?

POLINA KUDERMETOVA: It's like just focus for every match, every point. That's why it's, like, I was play with the top players and I'm winning this week.

Q. You've now won I think it's seven or eight matches against top-100 opponents in a row. You've improved from 180 to just outside the top 100 now. You must be feeling very confident about continuing your progression in the rankings?

POLINA KUDERMETOVA: Yeah, you know, when I was coming to Australia and I say for my coach, Hopefully I will win the quallies, the first one (smiling).

Then I say when I was winning the quallies, I say like, Let's try to win one game. I will be happy.

Then he all the time like tell me, Just play for your match, I mean, like what you were doing, your work on the practice and you will be win the match.

Q. You have qualification for the Australian Open. How much confidence does this give you to qualify for the main draw?

POLINA KUDERMETOVA: I already ask for the special example because sometimes on the tournament they have. But yesterday they told me no, for the Grand Slam they don't have special. That's why I will play in quallies (smiling).

Q. You're confident because of the way you've played here?

POLINA KUDERMETOVA: Yeah. So I will play.

Q. Lots of unforced errors but lots of winners as well. Do you think you'll have as many errors tomorrow? Do you think you'll have to have less mistakes in the final?

POLINA KUDERMETOVA: Yeah, it's like the final tomorrow, so I will be, like, more concentration. I already have, like, eight matches. Sometimes a little bit tired. But for today I was had more powerful for match today. Hopefully it will be good for me tomorrow.

Q. Nice dropshots as well.

POLINA KUDERMETOVA: Yes. It's my favorite one.

Q. Why is that?

POLINA KUDERMETOVA: I don't know. I don't know the first one who will win today. That's how we'll see against who I will play. That's I will see how we will play tomorrow.

Q. In between sets you had some work on your arm. Is everything okay?

POLINA KUDERMETOVA: For now it's okay. I was had so many matches, like I was had a little bit painful, but now it's okay.

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