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January 4, 2025

Cam Davis

Kapalua, Maui, Hawaii, USA

Plantation Course at Kapalua

Quick Quotes

Q. 9-under, 64, excellent round. Can we get some comments.

CAM DAVIS: Just really good, solid golf. Pretty much the same as yesterday. I feel like when the wind's down like this you kind of need to play pretty attacking golf, and get a good round going. Especially with the way I started the tournament, I had a really rough first round, so I pretty much have been able to free wheel it a little bit, and it's really nice to put back-to-back good rounds up on the board.

Q. Take us through the eagle the eagles on 5 and 14.

CAM DAVIS: 5, geez, my round went by in sort of a blur. 14, I hit a good drive, it just didn't fade as much as I wanted, but landed in the front bunker and bounced through it, into a bit of a sketchy lie, but I hit a really good chip shot that came out perfect and rolled in the front.

5? Yeah, 5 was a really solid hole. Perfect drive, hit a nice little cutty 6-iron in there that just came out as I wanted, rolled it pretty close and made a 7-footer. Just lots of solid golf, nothing super spectacular. But, yeah, just getting the ball in the fairway with my driver was the big difference between an even par round and a really good round it felt like.

Q. What are your expectations and goals tomorrow?

CAM DAVIS: Well, I think it depends on the wind, but at the same time I've just got to keep doing what I'm doing. Obviously what I'm doing is working, just, yeah, same again. It's not too much different that I would want tomorrow, maybe a couple more birdies, but, I mean, we're asking for a lot when you're going past 9-under, that's some of the best golf I played in a while, and it will be fun to keep it going.

Q. How nice is it to start the season here in Maui?

CAM DAVIS: Couldn't be much better. It's great having these massive wide fairways to hit at, and the amazing views to kind of take a second and look at throughout the round. Yeah, it's just a nice, relaxing -- well, it's not as relaxing any more now, it's turned into a really big event, but at the same time, yeah, it couldn't be much better.

Q. Talk a little bit about this season and what your goals are for the year.

CAM DAVIS: Goals? Honestly, the goals are pretty simple, it's just keep on doing a better job with the little things that I can control, my mind, my technique, all that sort of stuff. I've done some good practice over the break, and really it's just a matter of maintaining and continuing to improve that sort of stuff. The results, I feel like if I do a good job of that the results will come, so I'm not going to try and put too much pressure on myself to get high up the leaderboard, I'm going to try and just keep doing what I'm doing right now and let that do the work.

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