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January 4, 2025

Thomas Detry

Kapalua, Maui, Hawaii, USA

Plantation Course at Kapalua

Quick Quotes

Q. Nice playing again today. On a day where the birdies are falling for the entire field, what do you tell yourself when you know it will be really scorable?

THOMAS DETRY: First of all, not make any big mistakes. I put myself once out of position on number 7, I got a great up-and-down for par. That was, I think, a key moment. I was 3-under at that point, not really making any mistakes, and kind of make a bogey there you feel like you are almost losing two instead of only one. So that was kind of the key out there. Then just, again, I mean, there's lots of wedges out here, so my wedge game is good, I trust it, I know I'm going to have lots of birdie opportunities. Same on the par-5s, they're all reachable. So that was it today.

Q. Do you look at what's happening around the golf course?

THOMAS DETRY: I mean, the leaderboards are massive, they're just there in your face so sometimes you just accidentally glance at them. But I don't really look at them, to be honest. I heard some of the guys behind me making lots of birdies, so I expected it to be really, really low again today again. I was just kind of taking care of my own business. I made lots of birdie out there today, and need to keep going tomorrow.

Q. Your first time out here, what do you feel like about your game fits Kapalua so well to this point?

THOMAS DETRY: Well, I've been driving it well and putting well. I think that's kind of the key out here. It's so generous off the tee. Not too many long iron shots, par-5s, so, yeah, I think I've gained a couple on the greens already this week off the tee as well, so I think those were two keys.

Q. 39 holes without a bogey, is that something that's on your mind right now?

THOMAS DETRY: Well, what you just said, you just said it, so, yes, of course. Actually I thought about that earlier today on the round. My last bogey was on the first day on number 15, I think. I've been playing some good golf. As I just said, the key out here is not to make big mistakes. You feel like, with all these birdies out here, if you make a bogey it's almost like losing two shots. So there's a little bit of strategy involved on that side, but overall it's just being aggressive and trying to make as many birdies as you can.

Q. 4 back, what will your mindset be tomorrow?

THOMAS DETRY: Get off to a hot start. I expect those guys behind me, I don't know who it is, but probably Collin and Hideki, I expect them to get off to a hot start as well, so just keep going. Hole 1 is pretty much a wedge, hole 3 is a wedge in your hand, par-5 5th is a very short one. There's plenty of opportunities out there early on in the round, so if I can get 3-, 4-under early on, I think I could put on a good fight.

Q. What's that feel like when you shoot 8-under and you lose ground on the leaders?

THOMAS DETRY: To be honest, I shot 8-under today, but didn't really feel like I shot 8-under. Other courses when you shoot 8-under you really fell like, Oh, yeah, I played unreal golf here. I just felt like I played some really steady golf. Didn't really make too many mistakes. I had one little mistake on number 7, got a great up-and-down for par. Other than that, took care of the par-5s, doesn't really feel like I've actually shot 8-under. So generous off the tee, and once I'm rolling it well, like, those putts, the hole suddenly becomes a little bit bigger.

Q. Do you have a number in mind for tomorrow?

THOMAS DETRY: I don't. I honestly don't. Only thing I got in mind for tomorrow is just sticking to my game plan, what I'm doing. I'm kind of comfortable off the tee, so hitting the same kind of hold drivers I've been hitting all week. Same. Just staying patient on the greens, and I think it will pay off.

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