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January 3, 2025

Wyndham Clark

Kapalua, Maui, Hawaii, USA

Plantation Course at Kapalua

Quick Quotes

Q. Let's talk about the back nine. You shoot 30, 7-under. That's pretty sporty.

WYNDHAM CLARK: Yeah, I played decent on the front, just a couple loose swings, but just didn't really get anything going, and then I knew on the back, as the wind calmed down, that there would be some birdies to be had and finally got some putts to fall.

Q. You played at a very high level. Do you feel like you're close?

WYNDHAM CLARK: I worked really hard in the off-season to try to be ready for a quick start this year and, yeah, there's a lot of good things. I've worked a ton on my swing. I feel like there's a lot of good. So, yeah, I feel like my game's getting really close. This is the first event of the year. There's some hiccups here and there, but I'm, overall, pretty pleased how I started.

Q. The scoring has been amazing. Do you like tournaments like this? Because you know you're going to have to go maybe 30-under to win.

WYNDHAM CLARK: I mean, I don't necessarily prefer this low, but at the same time, we make courses like this look easy. To be honest, it's not that easy. Typically, there's a lot of wind here, and we didn't have much wind today, so you're going to have a lot of birdie looks and sometimes eagle looks. I've never really shot 20-under on the PGA TOUR, so maybe I can break it this week.

Q. Is it hard to have patience when you look at the scoreboard, everybody's birdieing, and maybe you missed one, is it hard to show patience?

WYNDHAM CLARK: Yeah, especially on a course like this, but that was definitely one of my goals today to be patient. I turned at 2-under, which maybe doesn't seem great, but I felt like hey that was momentum for the back nine and then I really started getting going. So you never know on this golf course. You can kind of find your stride and maybe make one putt or an eagle or something and get your round going.

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