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January 2, 2025

Hideki Matsuyama

Kapalua, Maui, Hawaii, USA

Plantation Course at Kapalua

Quick Quotes

Q. You changed putters. Why?

HIDEKI MATSUYAMA: I don't know. (Laughing).

Q. How often do you change putters?

HIDEKI MATSUYAMA: I saw somebody else using it and I thought, Oh, this looks good, so I had them make one, and I'm using it this week.

Q. Can you talk about the back nine, that stretch of 3, 3, 3?

HIDEKI MATSUYAMA: I bogeyed the hole earlier, and then I had a bad kind of a tee shot, but I was able to birdie that hole, and so just kind of kept going, so that was a good stretch.

Q. What club to the par-5?


Q. Do you get angry when you 3-putt?

HIDEKI MATSUYAMA: You know, I'm going to have some 3-putts throughout the year, so don't worry about it.

Q. Do you play good when you're mad? Do you find you play better when you make a mistake, whether it's a 3-putt or a bad shot?

HIDEKI MATSUYAMA: It could go either way. You get mad and it goes the other way, and sometimes you can turn it around, so it just depends.

Q. Are you mad now?


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