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January 2, 2025
Kapalua, Maui, Hawaii, USA
Plantation Course at Kapalua
Quick Quotes
Q. 5-under 68, if we can get some comments on your round.
ADAM SCOTT: I was very happy with that, first round back out. It was a slow start, but they were the harder holes for the day in the wind. I settled down and found my rhythm, and made a couple putts, missed a couple putts, but overall very solid, seeing I've had a bit of a break.
Q. Talk a little bit about this being your 25th season out here, I know that's a big number, but just what drives you to keep going.
ADAM SCOTT: That's a lot. Yeah, I think, you know, I haven't achieved all my goals that I set out to, so I don't think it's unrealistic, given the way I've played certainly the last six or eight months to get myself back up toward the top of the rankings again, I don't think it's unrealistic to think I can still achieve a couple big victories out here that I would like, and that's really, I guess, what drives me.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports