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December 30, 2024

Treveyon Henderson

Pasadena, California, USA

Ohio State Buckeyes

Press Conference

Q. How do you encapsulate what this means to you, the opportunity to play here in the Rose Bowl? Obviously as you get later in your career, the chance to play here, what does that mean to you?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: It's definitely a blessing, man. Just trying to cherish the moments as much as I can with the guys around me. Being here, it's a great bowl game, a lot of tradition, huge tradition. So just trying to cherish the moments.

Q. I know you have a lot in front of you hopefully, but as you reflect on your time at Ohio State, what it's meant to you as a football player, what it's meant to you as a man, how do you reflect on that and put into focus what this journey has meant to you at Ohio State?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: It's been a long journey. I just thank God for everything he took me through and allowed me to go through. He has used the hardships that I had to go through, the suffering that I had to go through to lead me to Him and to bring me closer to Him.

I truly am thankful, man, to be here with the guys around me, the coaches, the program, really special program. I truly am thankful.

Q. When they brought Quinshon in, we heard so much about the idea of saving you guys, you guys being fresh in the second half against defenses. Has that come to fruition? Has that done what you thought it would do having two guys in?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: Yeah, it's been great having Quinshon, like you said, taking the wear and tear off of each other's body and being able to share the load in the backfield. I'm so grateful Quinshon has come in. He's been a huge part of this team, this program. He has done a lot.

Q. How has it been so far coming in and your experience?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: It's been great coming in so far. It's been great. It was my freshman year when I came down here the first time. So I had a good time. Looking forward to having a good time again, cherish the moments.

Q. What has been the mindset going into this game for you guys on offense and the team as a whole?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: The mindset is to prepare as best as we could, to work hard, to practice hard. When the game time comes, to execute, to make plays, and to play as one as a team.

Q. You guys have been very successful in the program. Obviously it's The Ohio State. Ryan Day has been a successful coach. The other thing is, whether unfair or not, there has been some criticism of Coach Day's performances in big games. What are your thoughts on that criticism? Do you find that unfair? As somebody who's under him and sees him as a leader.

TREVEYON HENDERSON: I love Coach Day. This team, we all love Coach Day. He puts in so much work. He cares a lot about this program. He cares a lot about this team. The stuff he does for the players and how much of a role he has played in the players' lives is not talked about as much.

Nobody's perfect. We're not perfect people. We're not perfect players, perfect coaches. So we all make mistakes, but the biggest thing I see in Coach Day, he takes ownership, and he always gets it fixed and he gets the job done.

We trust Coach Day, and we're going to ride behind him and give it everything we've got for Coach Day.

Q. How much would it mean -- I mean, last week you guys went into -- or Tennessee went to you guys, but went into that game, really had an amazing all around performance. That's a big game. You guys won that big game. How much more would it be to be able to get this one for Coach Day as well in the Rose Bowl?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: Yeah, it will be big. It will be big. It starts with the preparation. Definitely got to continue going these next couple days and practice hard and really focus on the little things, get the little things done.

When the time comes, we've got to execute and put it all on the field.

Q. How was your flight?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: The flight was good. It was long, but it was good.

Q. Obviously it's your senior year. What has been the best advice you've ever received?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: The best advice? I receive so much, to be honest, especially from my teammates, like Gee Scott, Emeka, and JT, brothers in Christ. We're always encouraging each other and uplifting each other with the word of God. So those guys.

Q. What are you most proud of?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: Most proud of is what the Lord has done for my life. What he did on the cross for me, what he did on the cross for all of us. That's what I'm most proud of. That's what I'm most thankful for.

Q. When you look back at your career, what do you think it really means to be a Buckeye and embrace that Buckeye brotherhood?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: It means a lot. The brotherhood, it truly is special. There's been so much that this group, this team have been together. I'm so thankful, truly am so thankful, and I thank God for every circumstance, everything that he allowed us to go through because it all brought us closer together. I'm so thankful.

Q. When you get home on Saturday from a loss like the one on November the 30th, and you get home and you sit down and you're dealing with it and all that, maybe the most introspective part you guys deal with in football. What does happen? What are you feeling, thinking? What's going through your mind on that day?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: I really just like whatever's on my mind, whatever's on my heart, I just give it to God and seek Him about it. Get in His word and pray about it.

One thing that He always helps me remember is that like all of these things will one day all fade away, and the only thing that truly matters is Him. Did we put our faith in Him, or did we not?

The biggest thing through that is just keeping my faith in Jesus and continuing to trust Him through the wins and through the losses because He is what truly matters. So that gives me peace just knowing that, whether we win or lose, all of these things will one day perish, and He saved my life and brought me into a Kingdom that's everlasting.

Q. That's the first thing you did when you got home by yourself?


Q. That's how you keep focused?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: Yes, sir. I praise God, man. He's always there, man. He's so faithful. He's always there. Every moment, He's always there. Even when you don't feel it, His promise is that He would never leave us nor forsake us when we accept Him into our hearts. So I just found peace in that, in Him.

Q. This has got to feel a lot different than the Rose Bowl you went to your freshman year, I would think. What's different about it?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: It's definitely -- I mean, what's different, it's not like a bowl trip. The biggest thing is we're coming here to win a game. We're just trying to stay focused and not get distracted from the main goal, the main purpose of why we are here. So I think that's the biggest thing.

It's not like a bowl trip where you do all these fun things. We're trying to stay locked in and stay focused.

Q. Do you miss the bowl trips, though? College football players are all like it's a business trip. I've got to concentrate on my job. Do you like a chance to cut loose?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: I would be lying if I say I don't miss it. I definitely miss it, man. There was definitely some fun times. I think college football is like transitioning to NFL now. That's what Coach Day was talking about.

Yeah, the biggest thing, man, is staying focused and remembering why we're here.

Q. What stands out in your mind when you think about the Oregon game earlier this year?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: It was definitely a great game. They're a good team. They've got great players on both sides of the ball. They execute really well.

The biggest thing going into this game is we have to not look backwards, but look forward to this game, and we have to execute really well. We have to continue to prepare really well. So it's definitely going to be a good game again.

Q. What stands out about their defense?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: Their defense, really, really good. They play physical. They run to the ball really well. Yeah, they execute really well. So it's going to be a challenge once again. This whole playoff, this whole thing is going to be a challenge. We're looking forward to it.

Q. Coach said this isn't your revenge game, even though a one-point loss, really hyped game, it was a big deal. Do you feel the same way?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: Yeah, it's not a revenge game. The biggest thing is not looking behind us, it's looking forward. This is an amazing opportunity we got again to play against this team.

The biggest thing is just to give it everything we've got. That's the biggest thing is to come together and give it everything we've got.

Q. You guys from '21 have been here before one time. What's it like to kind of get this moment now and to have a chance to kind of end your career on that kind of note?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: It's definitely a special moment. I truly believe we finally understand that we have an opportunity to go and chase after the big thing, to win a National Championship. This group, the '21 group, we've been through a lot. This team has been through a lot.

I'm so thankful, though, because God used it to bring us closer together and bring us closer to Him too. So we do have a chance to go out big, so we're excited.

Q. If you go back and tell 2021 TreVeyon or those guys in that group or any kind of advice, what would you say to those guys in 2021?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: In 2021? Man, the most important advice that I would give myself is back then was turn to Jesus. That's the number one advice I would give myself.

Even in those moments, I'm thankful with what God allowed me to go through. Even before I met Him and gave my life to Him, I'm thankful. But that's the biggest advice I would give myself if I would go back then.

Q. You guys kind of, the group of you guys, do you look back on that time at all and kind of see how far you've come to a certain extent?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: We try not to dwell on it. We do look back on it, especially me, and just looking how far God has brought me, the things that He has done in my life, man, I'm truly just thankful. So I just praise Him, man.

Even this group, it's like we look back and just like how close this team is now, it's so special. It's so amazing. We just praise God for it.

Q. Is this the healthiest you've been going into the postseason? Because there's been a lot of wear and tear going on, and now you're sharing the load with Quinshon. Is this the healthiest you've been?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: Yeah, I guess we can -- yeah, yeah.

Q. Nobody is ever 100 percent?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: Exactly, especially around this time of the season. It's a long season. It gets hard. I'm so thankful to have Quinshon in the room to just share that load with him and keep each other healthy. I praise God for keeping me healthy as well.

Q. You couldn't have written a better script, four rushing touchdowns, two for you, two for Quinshon against Tennessee. How good was it to get that feeling going of getting the run game kind of back on track and going into this game?

TREVEYON HENDERSON: It felt good, especially like after the loss, and to come around, like we said, I believe it was in the press conference, but just trusting the coaches, trusting that they were going to get things fixed, and they did. They definitely did.

We trust the coaches, we love the coaches, man, and I love this team. I love this team. I love to just shout out to my O-line. Those guys work really hard, man. Those guys, they show up to practice each and every day trying to get better. It definitely showed that game, the work that they've been putting in.

Q. I was going to follow up with the O-line. On my O-line version 5.0 now since the injuries and everything else, I was just going to say show some love to the line where they're at.

TREVEYON HENDERSON: It's been hard for them. It's not easy with Seth and Jimmy going out -- we call him Jimmy. But Jimmy going down. It's been hard for them. They definitely fought through the adversity, and they definitely came together.

That group is really strong. They came together, leaned on each other through the hard times. It's been good. It's been amazing to watch what they've done.

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