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December 30, 2024

Xavion Alford

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Mercedes-Benz Stadium

Arizona State Sun Devils

Press Conference

XAVION ALFORD: He makes a lot of good throws, has a strong, and with their offense with Coach Sarkisian and the personnel that they have, they explosive guys over there.

He tries to put them in one-on-one situations, get them the ball, get the ball to his play makers, things of that nature, and then they do a lot of stuff with motions and things of that nature. I think it's definitely a good challenge for us going up against them and I think it's going to be a great game.

Q. (Inaudible).

XAVION ALFORD: When I signed there out of high school, my coaches originally, when I signed to Texas, yeah, the staff, defensive staff that I signed to got fired. So I ended up staying there a year, and it was good. I was there. It didn't really fit -- we didn't really fit each other. So we moved on. That was really all.

Q. Any particular reason?

XAVION ALFORD: Not any particular reason really. Felt like that was the best thing for me.

Q. And why are there so many Longhorns on the Sun Devils?

XAVION ALFORD: I really don't know. Credit to Bryan Carrington, the relationships he's built with us, him coming out here. We starting the Texas-Tempe thing. So him being a big part of that, some of us Texas guys ended up coming from Texas to ASU. So it just ended up working out like that. It's just crazy. He coaches the cornerbacks mostly, yeah.

Q. What stands out about Texas's receivers?

XAVION ALFORD: They're explosive. I'm quite familiar with some of those guys over there. They're explosive guys. They want to get the ball. Coach Sarkisian does a good job of getting the players the ball in the best situations so they can be at their best. That's really what I would say.

Q. Who is the most fashionable?

XAVION ALFORD: I would say me. I would say me because I pride myself on being a fashionable guy. I always want to look good when I'm out, make sure I'm presentable, looking good.

Q. Is there anybody who rivals you?

XAVION ALFORD: I would say we have a lot of people. I would say Jayven. I would say Keith. I would say Xavier Guillroy. Skatt as well. Skatt likes to address. We have a lot of different people on the team that's pretty fashionable guys.

Q. Who's the jokester?

XAVION ALFORD: The jokester. I don't know why I'm not thinking of it right now. Oh, Jeff Clark. I feel like all D-linemen are just funny. They're bigger guys. They're always just funny. They make everybody laugh.

Q. Is it because they're bigger and they know people can't mess with them?

XAVION ALFORD: I think so. I think they can joke on everybody and things of that nature.

Q. What are your biggest concerns about the Texas offense?

XAVION ALFORD: Not really concerns, you know. They have an explosive offense. They have a great play caller in Coach Sark. They have a great quarterback, great momentum coming out of this last game for the rest of the season. I think it's going to be a highly competitive game.

Q. What do you think of the fact that the odds makers again have ASU as the underdog? ESPN is just throwing up stuff like Arizona logos when they're talking about Arizona State. What do you make about that?

XAVION ALFORD: We see it. It's out there. We have a job to do. Our job is step on the field and win football games on Saturday. They have a job to put whatever I guess on the TV. It is what it is. But we've been embracing the underdog mindset all year. We're going to wear it, keep wearing it and use it to fuel our fire.

Q. We'll be rooting for you.


Q. Nearly everyone on the two-deep roster is staying at ASU next season. What does that say about the program?

XAVION ALFORD: I would say he's honest. He's honest with players. He lets you know what your role, what you have to do up front, and I think just him creating the atmosphere that we can be loose and be ourselves and have fun and just still come to work every day and be focused and work on getting better at football, but he has a motto, having more fun and working harder than anybody in the country. Just when the building is loose and the business atmosphere is loose, you come in to work it's authentic each and every day, I think you create genuine relationships with people, and I think that's how you go far within anything that you're doing, as long as you're genuine with everybody and everybody respects each other. We all care about each other as well. So we want to see each other do the best. So I think that's why we're having the success that we're having.

Q. How cool is it to be here on this stage right now?

XAVION ALFORD: It's really cool. It's just a blessing, you know, just to be here at this spot right here in this moment. We came a long way, came a long way since the beginning of the season. So it's just a blessing.

Q. For you personally the offense of Texas, what are you looking forward to?

XAVION ALFORD: I'm looking forward to competing, competing at the highest level. I've been dreaming of games like this since I was four years old, kind of like a dream story line with me going to that school, going to my dream school and coming to another place, playing against my dream school. So, man, I'm just ready to compete at the highest level, show the world what I can do, and that's really it. Just pull out the W with my family.

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