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December 22, 2024

Nelly Korda

Petr Korda

Orlando, Florida, USA

The Ritz-Carlton Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. So how fun was it out there, especially on the front nine?

NELLY KORDA: Today was a lot of fun. Saw him make putts. But this is a great tournament to end the year on, especially the two of us and with the company 245 we have 569 this I haven't playing, this is my second -- our second time playing with Lee Trevino and I always have so much fun with him. Oh, my gosh, the stories, just the humour, everything, he is a blast to play with.

Q. What was your favourite interaction or story that he told today?

NELLY KORDA: There's too many. There's honestly too many. It's crazy how he is with the crowd, too. Like he gets the crowd so involved, too, and he's definitely someone that everyone should look up to and his stories are amazing.

I didn't know that he got struck by lightning until his son told me. And I was shocked. I've never heard of that. Crazy. I think he has a crazy story. But he is an amazing guy.

Q. What was your biggest takeaway from the week?

PETR KORDA: Spending time with her. I mean, it's just the way -- how much you improve year by year and the way she is approaching the game, and also how much she is appreciated by the men, these competitors. That was phenomenal. It's also being with Mr. Couples. When you have a too-easy swing like that, it's phenomenal.

Q. You haven't been well this week. You wouldn't pull out of this tournament unless you were literally --

NELLY KORDA: I would play any tournament that I entered feeling this bad. I was lucky enough to get a slide for the first Pro-Am to kind of rest up a little. Played just on Friday and then teed it up on Saturday. I caught something, and I did not feel well at the start of the week. So much fun.

Q. Everyone has been admiring your swing. Whose swing do you admire most?

NELLY KORDA: Well, I mean, for Lee Trevino's age, the way he hits it and the way he strikes the ball is incredible, and also I think in two weeks he's getting a full knee replacement.

And you can never go wrong with Freddie Couples, the tempo of his swing, the ease-ness of his entire game is so nice to watch.

Q. How much time will you put your clubs away and try to disengage from golf?

NELLY KORDA: Just the holidays. I get back from a little bit of holiday on the first and then I get back into it. The season's long, and it's right around the corner. And I'm excited to play Lake Nona, then I won't tee it up until the West Coast.

Q. So you'll take Asia off?


Q. Is this where the dog sledding is coming in?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I'm very excited for that, something I've never done, and you know, I love the mountains, I love snow and so I'm super excited for that to recharge my batteries.

I skied as a kid but I do not ski now, no. I'm already fragile enough.

Q. Do you guys have any holiday traditions?

NELLY KORDA: Just dinner on the 24th but we're actually doing it on the 23rd year because my brother is leaving to Australia on the 24th. So moving it up a day but everyone is going to be there. It's going to be a great addition with Grayson there, too. Rejuvenate the Christmas spirit of having a little one there.

But other than that, that's kind of the main thing we celebrate every year is we all get together at Christmastime.

Q. Your season was really incredible. Just wondering with time off do you think universal have some time to look at the gravity of what you accomplished this year?

NELLY KORDA: Golf and sports, it's so funny, you're kind of always looking at what's next. It's hard to reminisce about what has happened because you're always trying to improve on what you want to do.

But when you get a little bit of an off-season, you get a little time away, sometimes I catch myself watching highlights but most of the time I just try not to think about golf, and then have a fresh mind and see where, you know, next year takes me. I don't try to, you know, compare my seasons. It's very easy to do that. I'm super proud of myself and my entire team of what we accomplished this year and what we went through, but next year I always look at as a clean slate and I'm hungry for more.

Q. You watched your daughter play a lot of golf outside the ropes. Did you pick up anything different playing alongside her inside the ropes?

NELLY KORDA: I told him to not overthink. Stop overthinking his wedge shots.

PETR KORDA: Speed up the game.

NELLY KORDA: Which we should be telling everyone. But that's one thing I told him is, Okay, you can get a little faster.

PETR KORDA: I'm under 50 seconds, you know, I'll be okay.


PETR KORDA: I'm 50, you know.

Q. What will you tell him to work on for next year?

NELLY KORDA: He was putting great today. He did make a couple schnitzel-sized divots with his wedges but other than that he drove it incredibly and he played really well. Maybe just loosen up a little in front of the crowd. He gets nervous.

PETR KORDA: I'm not nervous. I got stiff in the back in the end because it's cold. In tennis, it's quite nice in the timing. Here suddenly if you're waiting ten minutes, I'm not used to that. That was a little bit challenging. At the end of the day, I contribute something but you know, just playing with her is easy.

Q. Charlie and Paddy had their first aces today. Can you tell us about your first ace?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, it was actually in Tampa, Wild Fire. I made it in a practice round before in FCWT and there was a cart girl coming around, and the first thing he did is (laughter) I'm taking a shot to celebrate (laughter). I didn't take it (laughter) I was like 12.

And then I didn't make one until last year, end of the season. It took me that long to make my second ace. That's really special they both made it in this event. It will be fun.

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