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December 21, 2024

Bernhard Langer

Jason Langer

Orlando, Florida, USA

The Ritz-Carlton Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Fantastic round. Can you talk a little bit about conditions and how it went for you?

BERNHARD LANGER: Yeah, I think we didn't get off to a great start not birdieing the first two, but then we got into the groove and played pretty solid from there on. Jason made some wonderful putts and hit some really good shots. I'm very proud of him the way he played, and we're happy to be co-leaders at this stage and time.

Q. It's a very familiar place for you guys. How were your nerves today?

JASON LANGER: Fine. We've been around here a few times. I'm just really happy to be out here playing golf and being with family. It's a treat to be able to do this and to be able to play in a tournament like this. I'm just happy to be here.

Q. Obviously with your record here going into tomorrow, you guys are going to have a good night, getting ready for it?

BERNHARD LANGER: Yeah, we'll try and have a nice dinner with the family and then get some rest. It's going to be a shootout tomorrow. There's so many teams in the hunt according to the leaderboard. It's anybody's game that is within three or four shots of the leaders, which is most of the field.

Q. And it's quite a congested leaderboard. It's nice that Tiger and Charlie have obviously had a good round today; so that adds a bit of frisson.

BERNHARD LANGER: Absolutely, it's great for the tournament and happy for them. Should be fun for the crowd tomorrow to come out and watch everybody play.

Q. And then just finally, PNC announced earlier in the week that they are going to sponsor until '32, how much has that news been impacting you, knowing that this tournament's future is secure?

BERNHARD LANGER: I think it's wonderful. I think PNC sees how big this tournament has become, and what a great association it is with NBC and the players that are coming out here; the quality and calibre of players that are participating. They have got a waiting list of probably 20 that would love to be here, so I think that speaks volumes.

Yeah, when they announced it yesterday, you know, even Fred Couples, who plays very little golf, he said, "Well, count me in for the next seven years," if his stepson wants to play with him. It's great. Wonderful news.

Q. I believe it's been ten years since you won your first here, and I'm sure a ton has changed since then but what has been your biggest change and approach in your game or how you play in this event?

JASON LANGER: Compared to 2014, it's the first time I played. I'm just much more relaxed. Just really, truly having a good time and having fun. My expectations for my game are definitely lower, at least now, than they were five years ago or six years ago. I don't quite play as much, and you know, working and all that.

So it's just a treat to be out here. I think the biggest thing is just being more relaxed.

Q. Does the lower expectations kind of help in a way that you don't -- you try not to putt too much pressure on yourself?

JASON LANGER: For sure, yeah. I think so. It's always nice to play with no expectations because it's easy to exceed them. And so you know, I think we did that a little bit today and hopefully we can do it again tomorrow.

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