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December 21, 2024

Tom Lehman

Sean Lehman

Orlando, Florida, USA

The Ritz-Carlton Golf Club

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: 12-under 60., Disappointing last hole but pretty exciting day?

TOM LEHMAN: Yeah, it was a really good 17 and a half holes. You know, right to that point where you're thinking 3, on the edge of the green on that last hole, and end up walking away with a 6; that's a bit of a bitter pill to swallow.

It's easy to think about that and ignore the fact that my partner here played great golf today. I played really well.

We did a lot of things exceptionally well. Had a chance to shoot 14- or 15-under today, and you know, so we're not going to let a mistake, a little silly brain fart on the last hole get in the way of enjoying a really good day.

THE MODERATOR: What do you think you excelled at the best?

SEAN LEHMAN: This tournament I think you need to wedge it and putt it well. We talked about that a lot before the tournament.

Today, we wedged it exceptionally well and putted even better. Especially, he putted amazingly, and he gave me all the right reads so that when he missed a putt, I had a good read at it.

I feel like overall, just having fun out there. Don't take it too seriously and had a good time.

TOM LEHMAN: Yeah, we had a lot of fun.

THE MODERATOR: You're not new to this, 10th start. You guys have been together, how many times?

TOM LEHMAN: We played together half the times, and Thomas and I played half the times. Sean and I have had a couple of good weeks here. We finished fourth or fifth a couple of times maybe. Thomas and I lost in a playoff one time. We've had some good weeks here.

The course, from where I'm playing right now, the course is really set up nicely for us. I expect us to play well every time we tee it up. From where you're driving it from, and you're putting yourself in good positions.

THE MODERATOR: It's meaningful just to be in the event but how meaningful would it be to cross the line?

TOM LEHMAN: You can answer that one. I want it.

SEAN LEHMAN: Yeah, it would be real special.

Q. You're at college now. How has that experience been?

SEAN LEHMAN: It's been awesome, really cool.

Honestly to be out here with him, it's something that's super special, and this year both of our games are in a good spot where we can give this a run, and I think today proved that, besides that last hole.

But I think we feel really good going into tomorrow.

THE MODERATOR: PNC announced their sponsorship is going to continue for another seven years. Thoughts on that and an opportunity for both of you to keep coming back?

TOM LEHMAN: Well, first of all, so grateful for PNC and for their commitment to this. I think it works really well for them and certainly works really well for us. Always grateful for the invitation. Alastair Johnston at IMG has been great to us. Teo has been great to us. The hope would be to come back a few more times.

So I think we are thinking that, you know -- like Sean said we are both playing very well. Games are in good shape and the course is really good for us. I can't wait to play tomorrow.

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