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December 14, 2024

Ollie Schniederjans

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Riyadh Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. What's going through your mind right now? You've got 10 events next year.

OLLIE SCHNIEDERJANS: Yeah, it was close. I wish I could have a couple of those shots on the back nine back, but 10-under was really stout for sure, so I would have had to play perfect.

It was tough, got a little windy on the back nine. Those were not gimme holes. I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet.

Q. Was it in your mind at all about at least trying to stay in the top 10?

OLLIE SCHNIEDERJANS: Yeah, it was, yeah. I'd love to have the option, and yeah, I'll think about what I'm going to do from here.

Q. What is your thought just on coming here and playing the way you did this week? What does that mean in the scope of your own expectations about your game, your confidence, that type of thing?

OLLIE SCHNIEDERJANS: Yeah, I'm very confident about where everything is heading, but to come out and do -- I had to hit a lot of cool putts and shots under pressure, so it was really nice to see that. It did give me even more confidence. But I have a lot of confidence in my future.

Q. What did you think about Max?

OLLIE SCHNIEDERJANS: Yeah, he was very good. He was very steady. Only missed a couple shots. Just very quality play for sure.

Q. What did you think about this whole week, just the format?

OLLIE SCHNIEDERJANS: Yeah, it was really different than anything I've ever played. But overall a great experience.

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