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December 14, 2024

Lee Chieh-po

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Riyadh Golf Club

TV Quick Quotes

Q. Max, congratulations, you are the newest member of the LIV Golf league. I'm going to let that soak in for a second because it's been a grueling home stretch for you. You've been through so many ups and downs in your career, so many sacrifices, so much dedication. This is a life-changing opportunity; how is it going to change your life?

LEE CHIEH-PO: Actually I played very good this year, and coming into this event I just do my best. Actually last week I didn't play very well, but I just told myself, stay calm, stay focused, and focus on every shot.

I think I'm very lucky today, and thanks, everyone.

Q. I think it was more than luck. You're going to be the very first Taiwanese player in the LIV Golf league. How proud are you to fly that Taiwanese flag?

LEE CHIEH-PO: Yeah, it means a lot to me because I was playing on the Asian Tour many years, and LIV Golf, I think it's every player's goal, every player's target. I really hope Asian Tour players can go to LIV Golf because they can give more power.

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