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December 14, 2024

Max Rottluff

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Riyadh Golf Club

Quick Quotes

MAX ROTTLUFF: My wedge game was a strength of my game all week. I just wasn't in the fairway enough. Then all of a sudden you're in the rough and it's kind of a guessing game what happens.

I played really, really nice this afternoon. Obviously didn't make all the putts that could have gone in kind of thing. But played really solid this morning. But this afternoon it was just a grind, and I was happy to do what I did today. Wasn't good enough for the No. 1 spot, but I believe we're looking decent to hopefully sneak in the top 10 and make the best out of that.

Q. I know the scores, you had the first-round 6-under, which presumably very happy with that.

MAX ROTTLUFF: Yeah, as I said, it's been a very enjoyable week. I feel like I played some -- there was a lot of good in my game. Definitely I didn't play my "A" game for the majority of the rounds, but I managed to stay in there, fight. Yesterday, as well; I probably had my "C" game yesterday. It felt like it. Obviously came in clutch making that long putt on 18. That was fun.

This week has been nothing but a joy. Obviously I came up short of that one spot. There's a lot of talent here. It's a brutal format. It's an extremely fun format. So there's nothing but good things that I take away from this week.

Q. If you do get the top 10 and that would be exemption in the International Series events next year, is that something you'd take seriously? Have you played the Asian Tour before?

MAX ROTTLUFF: I played the Asian Tour Q-school a couple years ago. Didn't end up getting my full card. I ended up winning early on in the year on the Challenge Tour, so I didn't really consider any further later on that year. But yeah, I'm going to take a very close look at the calendar. I would be lying if I said I had it all planned out at this point and fully understood what exactly the opportunities are.

But yeah, I very much look forward to it. The DP World Tour is a global tour. I'm not afraid to travel the globe and play. International Series sounds awesome, and I'll definitely take a very serious look at it.

Q. What's your status for next year?

MAX ROTTLUFF: I finished somewhere 123 and 125, I can't remember, on the DP World Tour last year, so I didn't keep my full card. I'll get into some events. I'm supposed to be in next week in Mauritius, so I'm actually flying out tonight to Dubai and flying out of Dubai tomorrow.

So I'm definitely excited for the next year and see what tours I can play on, and I'm excited about it.

Q. The first event I think is January the 30th in India --

MAX ROTTLUFF: Oh, is that the DLF? I love that place. I want to say I finished 11th or 12th this year at the DP event there. I love that place. I had a great week.

Yeah, so definitely if I'm in that, I'd definitely love to go.

Q. Is there a moment where you were thinking about the top 10 in the International Series --

MAX ROTTLUFF: Absolutely. I mean, that's definitely -- the main objective was to obviously come out and win, but it's tough. Winning golf tournaments is always tough, especially if you don't bring your "A" game on a 36-hole day. But yeah, that was the secondary goal. I made some nice putts at the end, and it was probably a little bit funny for Ben because we're obviously off the lead and I'm fist pumping out there. I made probably a 30-footer on 8, which is our 17th hole, and it meant a lot. To me it means the world to finish out -- be inside the top 10, at least have the opportunity to go and play. I'll definitely take a very close look at it.

Q. You were talking about overall you enjoyed the week. How would you feel about your game coming out of here?

MAX ROTTLUFF: Yeah, absolutely, I feel great. It just showed once again that I don't have to hide my game anywhere. I know I can compete on the highest level on any tour. It's just a matter of having the opportunity to prove that. I think that's the hardest part about it, and putting all that together into a year-long schedule.

But yeah, I had an absolute blast this week. I think the format was amazing. It was refreshing. It was engaging. I mean, I just had so much fun, and I feel like it brought out -- it brings out the best in me, this kind of game. The moment you have fun, it brings out good stuff.

Yeah, I would love to -- hopefully I can play more events on the LIV Tour at some point.

Q. Who did you look up to when you were growing up and getting into golf?

MAX ROTTLUFF: When I was growing up, very early on, it was Sergio Garcia, then it was Martin Kaymer, obviously, and I know Martin very well. We're from the same city, have the same coach.

Q. Have you talked to him about LIV?

MAX ROTTLUFF: Absolutely, yeah. He actually texted me last night, too. Yeah, I talk to him quite regularly, well, when I see him. He loves it. From the get-go he was -- I asked him after the very first event in London, and he was like, yeah, it was just amazing.

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