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December 10, 2024

Saki Baba

Mobile, Alabama, USA

Magnolia Grove Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Saki, welcome to the LPGA Tour. What has this experience been like for you?

SAKI BABA: There was six days and they were really hard and tiring, but I was able to get a birdie on the last hole and go through.

It was a really good experience for me.

Q. I know you played most of this year on the Epson Tour. What did you take away from your Epson experience that helped you this week at qualifying?

SAKI BABA: The Epson Tour was really hard and very competitive and obviously today was difficult as well, but the things that I was able to learn from the Epson Tour, I almost gave up on a few holes today but I'm glad I pushed through to the end to finish strong.

Q. And what does it mean to be a member of the LPGA? How long has that been a goal of yours?

SAKI BABA: I've been watching the LPGA on TV since I was in elementary school, so it's been a long goal of mine. Although might have been just a childhood dream, it's kind of surreal to be able to achieve that dream today.

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